Remove Adobe Analytics metrics or report suites from the new Search Ads 360

Removing a metric or report suite from Search Ads 360 does not affect the report suite in Adobe Analytics. The report suite or metric will continue collecting data in Adobe Analytics, but Search Ads 360 will stop requesting data for it.

Search Ads 360 does not remove the Floodlight conversion action and groups it created for the metric or suite. Bid strategies, formula columns, and rules that include the Floodlight conversion action will continue to function, but they won't see any fresh data for the conversion actions after you remove the metrics or report suite.

It's recommended that you remove any unused Floodlight conversion actions from bid strategies to ensure that your bid strategies are using actively maintained data.


  • If you remove a report suite and add it back again later, Search Ads 360 will not reuse the original Floodlight conversion actions associated with metrics tracked from that report suite.
  • If you remove a metric and add it back again later, Search Ads 360 will not reuse the original Floodlight conversion action.

In both cases, you will need to create new Floodlight conversion actions from the metrics you wish to track.

Special permissions required

To add an Adobe Analytics reports suite, you need manager or sub-manager account permissions.

How to remove metrics or report suites

  1. In Search Ads 360, navigate to a sub-manager account associated with the CM360 parent account.
  2. To remove a report suite
    1. Navigate to Tools & settings Google Ads | tools [Icon], then Linked accounts.
    2. Click Manage & link next to Adobe Analytics.
    3. Click Manage next to the Report Suite you want to remove.
    4. Click Unlink.
    5. Search Ads 360 will warn you that you are about to lose access to new data and metrics from that Report Suite. If this is not what you want, you can click Cancel at this stage.
    6. Click Unlink to finalize removing the report suite. At this point, Search Ads 360 will remove the report suite and disable all report metrics under it. Any conversion actions configured to read data from these disabled metrics will cease to get fresh data. The old conversion actions will not be removed for you by Search Ads 360, however you may wish to do that to keep your conversion action page cleaner. If the report suite is later re-added, you will need to create new conversion actions associated with the metrics you want to track.
  3. To remove a metric:
    1. Navigate to Tools & settings Google Ads | tools [Icon], then Conversions.
    2. Locate the conversion action that maps to the metric you wish to remove.
    3. Click the checkbox next to that conversion action, then in the header bar, click Edit, then Remove.

Search Ads 360 removes the suite or metric from the reporting table and stops collecting the associated data from Adobe Analytics. Because other systems like reporting and bidding could be using data from an Adobe Analytics metric, caution should be exercised when removing Report Suites or Metrics. If you have any questions before doing this, please contact us.

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