About consent mode modeling in the new Search Ads 360

Conversion modeling is available for consent mode in the new Search Ads 360 for advertisers that meet all eligibility requirements. Modeled conversions will appear in Floodlight conversions columns and will be reflected in all reports and conversions-based bid strategies that use this data.

Understanding what happens after you implement consent mode

In order to be able to meet the rigorous confidence thresholds, you need to meet the following quality checks:

  • You correctly implement consent mode or the IAB Transparency & Consent Framework (TCF v2.0).
  • You have a daily ad click threshold of 100 clicks per day, per country, and domain grouping.

Once the above criteria is met, our models enter training periods. You can expect to gradually notice modeled conversions flow into your conversion reporting, and are likely to see gradual improvements in reported performance.

How does consent mode modeling work?

When a user doesn’t consent to ads cookies or analytics cookies, consent mode automatically adjusts the relevant Floodlight tags’ behavior to not read or write cookies for advertising or analytics purposes. Without cookies, advertisers experience a gap in their measurement and lose visibility into user paths on their site. They are no longer able to directly tie users' ad interactions to conversions.

Conversion modeling can help fill in blanks in media measurement at times when it’s not possible to observe the path between ad interactions and conversions. Conversion modeling uses machine learning to analyze observable data and historical trends, quantifying the relationship between consented and unconsented users. Then, using observable user journeys where users have consented to cookie usage, our models will assess attribution paths for the unconsented journeys. This creates a more complete and accurate view of advertising spend and outcomes — all while respecting user consent choices.

Modeled conversions through consent mode will be integrated directly in your reports with the same granularity as observed conversions. This data then makes its way into the new Search Ads 360 bid strategies so that you can be confident your campaigns will be optimized based on a full view of your results.

The relationship between consent rates and modeled conversions

You should expect unconsented conversion rates to be significantly lower than consented conversion rates. Through extensive analysis, we have found that user conversion rates vary based on user consent status. Consented users are typically 2-5 times more likely to convert than unconsented users. However, this varies widely depending on factors such as consent rates, industry, and conversion type.

Floodlight is unable to observe whether an unconsented conversion previously had an ad interaction. Our models help fill in the path between ad interactions and conversion events, aiming to minimize over-prediction. As a result, some conversions that in reality occurred may not be accounted for, as they are unattributable to ad-clicks without cookies.

Reporting and bidding implications

Consent modeling is available for reporting and bidding in the new Search Ads 360. No further action is necessary to take advantage of consent mode modeling. Modeled conversions will appear in the conversions columns. All reports that include conversion columns will be impacted by modeled conversions.

In the new search Ads 360, a return on investment (or conversions-based) bid strategy automatically incorporates modeled conversions along with other conversions in its analysis.

If you manually set bids, it is recommended that you regularly review and adjust your targets after you set up consent mode to account for modeled conversions. Also, be sure to review any automated rules that make changes based on your targets.

Making the most of consent mode modeling

When cookie consent is denied (ad_storage or analytics_storage=’denied’), it is recommended that you use consent mode to send cookieless pings for more accurate modeling. Conversion modeling through consent mode is most accurate when these cookieless pings are fired. Learn more about how consent mode respects user privacy with cookieless pings when cookie consent is denied (ad_storage or analytics_storage=’denied’).

Consent mode cookieless pings are never used to track individual users across apps or websites, build remarketing lists, or generate user profiles.

Conversion modeling may still be available to advertisers blocking cookieless pings, but our systems will be unable to generate advertiser-specific calibration factors, which may impact modeling accuracy. Cookieless pings are critical to generate custom calibration factors for each advertiser.

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