Max bid limit constrains performance

Applies to Search Ads 360 bid strategies and budget bid strategies

The max bid limit is preventing additional conversions or revenue because it is lower than the target bid for some items. If you increase the limit, your spend will be more efficient while achieving more conversions or revenue.

The bid strategy's or budget bid strategy's maximum bid should be about 3 times of your average CPC for the portfolio. For example, if the highest average CPC is $5 USD, you should set $15 USD as the strategy’s maximum bid. Remember that you may never witness bids reaching the minimum or maximum that you set, but setting a wide range gives the automated strategy flexibility to reach your goal for the portfolio or budget plan as a whole.

Note: Adjusting maximum bid limits is only available for intraday bidding.

Fix the issue in a bid strategy

  1. Sign in to your Search Ads 360 experience.
  2. Navigate to a sub-manager account.
  3. From the page menu, click the Bidding & planning drop-down.
  4. Select Bid Strategies.
  5. Click a bid strategy name from the reporting table. Search Ads 360 displays the bid strategy report page.
  6. Click Settings or Edit bid strategy.
  7. Click Intraday advanced options.
  8. Click the checkbox of “Intra-day bidding limits”.
  9. Increase or remove your max bid limits for intraday bidding as applicable:
    • Increase max bid limits: Under “Maximum bid limit”, add the amount for the upper limit. Wait one day, then check the bid strategy's "Overview" page for the max bid limit message. Continue to check the "Overview" page and adjust the max bid limit until the issue is resolved.
    • Remove max bid limits: Under “Maximum bid limit”, remove the amount for the upper limit.
  10. Click Save and continue.

Fix the issue in a budget bid strategy

You can also adjust your max bid limits through the “Performance center” page:

  1. Sign in to your Search Ads 360 experience.
  2. Navigate to a sub-manager account.
  3. From the page menu, click the Bidding & planning drop-down, and then click Plans.
  4. Select All plans or Active plans.
  5. Click the name of the plan that you want to edit.
  6. Above the forecast table, click Edit plan.
  7. In the “Adjust forecast” section, click Continue.
  8. In the “Set up plan” section, click the checkbox of “Set intra-day bidding limits”.
  9. Under Maximum bid, enter the amount for the upper limit.
  10. Click Update plan.

Adjust the maximum bid only if it aligns with your business goals.

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