Use bulksheets to create, manage, and apply labels

You can use bulksheets to do any of the following:

Create labels

  1. Sign in to your Search Ads 360 experience.
  2. Download a campaign, ad group, ad or keyword bulksheet template.
  3. Open the template and enter the name of the new label into the “Label column” in the row for the object. Make sure that the name isn’t an existing label.
  4. Navigate to a sub-manager account.
  5. Click the Tools and settings icon , and under “Bulk actions”, click Uploads.
  6. Click the blue plus icon .
  7. Click Select source, then select Upload a file.
  8. Click Select a file from your computer, then select the edited bulksheet template to upload it.
  9. Select whether the changes will apply to multiple accounts or a single account.
  10. Click Apply.
    Note: The uploaded labels will be available to all client accounts in the sub-manager account you navigated to. Even if you select a specific client account in the upload settings, or even if you select multiple accounts, the label will be available to all client accounts in the current sub-manager account.

Apply and remove labels for Search Ads 360 objects

You can use a bulksheet to apply labels to an object such as campaign, ad group, ad, or keyword, and remove labels from an object.

  1. Download a report that contains the objects you want to label:
    1. Sign in to your Search Ads 360 experience.
    2. Navigate to a sub-manager account.
    3. In the left page menu, click Campaigns, Ad groups, Ads, or Keywords.
    4. Click the Download icon , which appears above the reporting table.
    5. Select the file type you want to download the report in and click on it.
  2. Open the bulksheet and apply or remove labels as described below.
  3. Upload the bulksheet to Search Ads 360.

Apply a label to an object

In the row for the object, enter the label name in the Label column. Labels are case-sensitive, so be sure to match the capitalization of the label you want to apply. For example, Search Ads 360 considers “Summer” and “summer” to be two different labels.

When you upload the file, Search Ads 360 will apply the label to the object.

If the name you enter isn’t an existing label, Search Ads 360 will automatically create the label. Note that labels are case-sensitive. If the name you enter doesn't exactly match an existing label, Search Ads 360 will create a new one.

Apply a label to a new object

In the row for the new object, enter the label name in the Label column. When you upload the file, Search Ads 360 will create the new object and apply the label to it.

Apply multiple labels to an object

Enter the label names, separated by “;”, in the Label column. When you upload the file, Search Ads 360 will apply all of the labels to the object.

If an object already has labels and you want to add more, you'll need to include the original labels in the Label column. For example, the keyword “chicago flights” has the label “air travel midwest” applied to it. To add “flights” as a label but also keep the existing label, enter “flights; air travel midwest” in the Label column.

Edit an existing label of an object

To edit an existing label of an object, you can remove the old value and input the new value into the Label column of the corresponding row.

Remove specific labels from an object

To remove specific labels that are applied directly to an object, remove the labels from the Label column. For example, for the keyword “chicago flights,” the Label column contains “flights; air travel midwest; summer sale”. To remove the “flights” and “summer sale” labels but keep “air travel midwest,” change the Label column to “air travel midwest”.

Remove all labels from an object

To remove all labels that are applied directly to an object, replace the contents of the Label column with remove_value.

Note that remove_value doesn’t remove inherited labels. For example, any labels that a keyword inherits from an ad group or campaign will still apply. Only those labels that were applied directly to the keyword will be removed.

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