About Baidu campaign settings

Adjust your campaign settings to help tailor your Baidu campaign. The campaign settings you select apply to all ads within the same campaign, and the type of campaign you choose determines which settings are available to you.

Setting Description
Campaign name

Enter a name for your campaign. Choose a name that clearly describes your campaign's theme, so you can easily find it in your account.

  • Campaign names are case-sensitive in Search Ads 360.
  • For Baidu campaigns, the name can be up to 30 characters long.

Average daily budget (optional, but recommended): If you set a daily budget, Baidu requires a minimum of 50 Yuan. If you don't set a budget, the campaign inherits the budget that you set for the account in Baidu. It's possible that a campaign without a specified budget could use all or most of the account's budget and prevent other campaigns from displaying ads. In addition, Search Ads 360 doesn't display account-level budgets, so you won't be able to compare spend with your budget from within Search Ads 360.

Unlimited: If you set an unlimited budget, your Baidu campaigns aren’t limited to a particular amount, but rather the average daily budget that you set for each campaign.

Note: Search Ads 360 itself doesn’t use this setting to control your spend on the advertising platform. Instead, the setting is posted to the advertising platform, and the platform uses the setting to control spend.

Ad Rotation

Click the Edit link and specify one of the following rotation options:

  • Optimize: Shows better-performing ads more frequently.
  • Do not Optimize: Shows all ads the same amount regardless of their performance, and does so for an indefinite amount of time without ever optimizing.

Bidding strategy

Bid adjustment settings

Sometimes a click is worth more to you if it comes from a mobile device, at a certain time of the day, or from specific locations. By setting mobile bid adjustments, you can increase or decrease your bids to gain more control over when and where your ad is shown.

A bid adjustment represents a percentage change in your mobile bids.

For example, you can increase or decrease every bid in your campaign to bid more or less competitively for searches occurring on mobile devices.

Under device Bid adjustment settings, select:

  • Based on desktop bids: Adjusts bids on desktop devices. Baidu campaigns can specify anything from 0 to 10.
  • Based on mobile bids: Adjusts bids on mobile devices. Baidu campaigns can specify anything from 0.1 to 10.
Languages Baidu only supports Chinese.

Geographical location targeting allows you to target prospective customers in the geographic locations you support.

In a Baidu account, you can target down to the city level within China and at the country level for Japan.


This setting lets you override the account-level conversions setting (for both Search Ads 360 manager account and Baidu account) and specify different conversion actions for a particular Search campaign or a group of Search campaigns.

Learn more About the campaign-level conversions setting.
Attribution model

The attribution model is set in each conversion action at the account level, and optionally in individual campaigns. If set in a campaign, the attribution model overrides the conversion action’s attribution model.

By selecting to override attribution models for specific conversion actions, this will result in an optimization to a blend of attribution models across campaigns.

The automated bidding system uses performance history to set and adjust bids, a blend of attribution models means that a biddable item receives full and partial credit for a conversion. A bid strategy uses the blended data to set bids.

For example, the bid with keyword A using the last click attribution model is 50 cents. With the assisted attribution model, the bid with keyword A is $1 USD. The automated bidding system receives different bid data for optimization when different attribution models are applied.

Generally, we recommend that an attribution model override is used only for testing for 2-3 months.

Consider creating a custom column to compare attribution models rather than overriding attribution models.

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