Use Search Ads 360 Conversions to help Google Ads Performance Max reach your goals

About Search Ads 360 Conversions and Google Ads Performance Max

Google Ads Performance Max helps you drive performance based on your specified conversion goals, delivering more conversions and value by optimizing performance in real time and across channels using Smart Bidding. By using your Search Ads 360 conversion activities data, you can easily have your Google Ads Performance Max campaign automatically optimize bidding towards the kinds of conversions that matter to you most.

What are Search Ads 360 conversions

Search Ads 360 Conversions is the conversion tracking system for Google Marketing Platform. Like other conversion tracking systems, it consists of tags that track activity on your site, along with reporting features for adding conversion data to your reports. It uses a cookie to recognize repeat visits from a specific browser.

Search Ads 360 Conversions can be configured to track many kinds of activities that are important to your business, like when customers click through an ad and request a quote, add items to their shopping cart or make a purchase.

Learn more about Search Ads 360 Conversions.

How Google Ads Performance Max uses Search Ads 360 Conversion data to help you reach your goals

Google Ads Performance Max uses machine learning models to optimize bids and placements to drive conversions or conversion value for your goals, but you provide important inputs about what types of conversions are most valuable to your business – like the conversion activities you’ve set up in Search Ads 360 Conversions. By sharing these conversion activities with your Google Ads Performance Max campaign, Performance Max will automatically optimize Smart Bidding to prioritize those types of conversions.

For example:
Let's say one of your goals is to have customers sign up for your newsletter, so you set up your Search Ads 360 Conversion activities to measure newsletter signups. By sharing your Search Ads 360 Conversion conversion activities with your Google Ads Performance Max campaign, Performance Max will optimize to show your ads to people who are likely to click your ad and signup for your newsletter.

Learn more about Performance Max in the Google Ads Help Center.

Ready to get started?

Make sure you’ve set up your Search Ads 360, Google Merchant Center, and Search Ads 360 Conversion as described in the next article.

When you’re ready, set up Search Ads 360 conversions for use in Google Ads Performance Max.

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