Search Ads 360 generates clickserver URLs to track clicks on ads and other items in your campaigns and to attribute visits and conversions to those items. The URLs contain data that uniquely identifies each trackable item in a campaign. Here's an example clickserver URL:{creative}&ds_e_matchtype={ifsearch:search}{ifcontent:content}&ds_e_device={device}&ds_e_network={network}&ds_url_v=2&ds_dest_url=https://
In engine accounts that use parallel tracking, a click on an ad sends the customer to the ad's landing page URL while sending an additional request to the clickserver URL. In engines that don't use parallel tracking, a click on an ad sends a request to the clickserver URL, and Search Ads 360 sends the customer to the landing page URL that's specified in the clickserver URL. When the clickserver request reaches Search Ads 360, Search Ads 360 uses the data in the URL to attribute visits and conversions to the items that generated the click.
Learn more about clickserver URLs.