Alerting drivers of lane closures improves the safety of drivers and roadway workers and embbetter traffic flow. Agencies can share information about lane closures by providing Waze with a partner feed. Partners supply information on all the lanes by specifying an array of lanes using the WZDx lane format or similar format.
Lane impact can be provided in two formats - partial and full:
Partial information
There are two ways to supply Partial Lane Closure with partial information:
Supply two separated fields, representing the number of closed lanes and the roadside.
For example:
<TotalClosedLanes> 2 </TotalClosedLanes>
<Roadside> RIGHT </Roadside>
Supported roadsides are: Left, Middle and Right.
Free Text
Supply a free text describing the partial lane closure. Please make sure the text can be matched using a RegEx pattern.
For example:
<Description>Hazard on street 29 SB 1 Right lane closed</Description>
This example (and similar examples) can be matched using the following RegEx pattern:
.* (?P<TotalClosedLanes>\d+) (?P<Roadside>\w+) lane[s]? closed
Full information
Supply information on all the lanes by specifying an array of lanes, using the WZDx lane format or similar format.
For example:
<order> 1 </order>
<type> LANE </type>
<status> CLOSED </status>
<order> 2 </order>
<type> LANE </type>
<status> OPEN </status>
- Order should start with 1 and you must not skip lanes. Order 1 represents the left-most lane.
- Supported type is Lane only. Waze ignores all the non-traffic lanes, such as “shoulder” and “sidewalk”.
- Supported statuses are: Open and Closed.