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Sample data library

The sample data library lets you reuse sample dynamic data sets across projects in Google Web Designer. Once you've imported a data feed or created a set of sample data for one document, you can add it to your library and access it from other documents.

You may want to rename data sets in the library to indicate which data schema they follow, as the sample data library doesn't track this information.

Include a sample data set in the library

  1. Open the Dynamic panel and select the Sample Data tab.
  2. Right-click the sample data set you want to add and select Add to library from the pop-up menu.

Add a sample data set from your library to your project

  1. Open the Dynamic panel and select the Sample Data tab.
  2. Click the Sample data library  button at the bottom of the panel. The Sample data library dialog opens.
  3. Select the sample data sets you want to import.
  4. Click Add. The sample data sets are now listed in the Dynamic panel.

If the sample data set includes references to local assets, those assets are added to the Library.

Rename a sample data set in your library

  1. Open the Dynamic panel and select the Sample Data tab.
  2. Click the Sample data library  button at the bottom of the panel. The Sample data library dialog opens.
  3. Hover over the sample data set you want to rename and click the Edit button.
  4. Enter the new name and press Enter.

Delete a sample data set from your library

  1. Open the Dynamic panel and select the Sample Data tab.
  2. Click the Sample data library  button at the bottom of the panel. The Sample data library dialog opens.
  3. Hover over the sample data set you want to rename and click the Delete button.

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