You might encounter the following error codes and messages when using Google Workspace Migrate.
An error code can be caused by more than one issue or symptom. If the description below doesn't solve your issue, view the transaction detail for the failure. For details, go to Understand transaction details.
On this page
- Data errors
- Service errors
- Start up errors
- Migration errors
- Crawl errors
- Commit errors
- Security errors
- Action errors
- Bridge data errors
- Bridge execution errors
- Google connection errors
- Bridge processing errors
- ABBadRequest errors
Data errors
Error code | Name | Description |
-1 | CryptographicException | You might get this code when trying to edit a template. The template doesn't load. To resolve the issue, choose an option:
If you get this code with HttpStatusCode is Forbidden and the message Method - CreateProject in the platform log file, and you can't create a project, check the admins' permissions. For details, go to the Troubleshoot section of Create a project. |
1 | DisposalError | An error occurred while removing unused resources. |
2 | NoDataReturned | No data was returned from the provider. Check service host log for details. |
3 | UnexpectedDataAccessError | An unexpected error occurred accessing the data provider. |
4 | MySQLConnectionError | An error occurred while connecting with MySQL |
Service errors
Start up errors
Error code | Name | Description |
32 | NotAdministrator | The application must be run as administrator. |
Migration errors
When you run a migration, you might see these errors in the execution log.
Error code | Name | Description |
400 | Bad Request | There’s data corruption in the source environment. The source data causing the issue is probably defective. You might also see this error when migrating an attachment that is unsupported by Gmail, such as an executable file.
If you want to keep the data, analyze which objects are affected and move them manually to your Google Workspace account. For details on how to manually move objects, consult your source data documentation. |
401 | Unauthorized | Google Workspace Migrate doesn't have the required access to a source or target system.
During a Microsoft Exchange migration, you might see this error:
403 | Forbidden | For details about this error, point to the transaction and click MoreTransaction details. Possible causes of this error are:
409 | Conflict | Google Workspace Migrate was unable to resolve a conflict with a data source.
If you are running an email migration, the label wasn't created on the target because its name conflicts with an existing label. To resolve the conflict, locate the email folder or label on the source environment and change its name. |
410, 5xx | Gone | Transient errors. Run a delta migration. If the error persists, contact Google Workspace support. |
413 | Request Entity Too Large |
Migrating email messages An email message and its attachment is larger than 50 MB (maximum size including attachments). To migrate these messages, use the Upload the attachments of large messages to Drive option in the settings template to send attachments directly to Drive. For details, go to Migrate Exchange content. Migrating messages to Google Groups An email message and its attachment is larger than 25 MB. You can't migrate messages over 25 MB to Google Groups. For details, go to Message and posting limits. |
429 | Too Many Requests | The migration is overloading a source or target system with too many requests.
Determine which service is overloaded and, if possible, increase the service limits. |
Crawl errors
Commit errors
Security errors
Error code | Name | Description |
2048 | ErrorFetchingAccessToken |
Failed to retrieve access token for license server. Verify that the service account and OAuth web client ID have been created correctly. For details, go to Step 1: Authenticate. |
Action errors
Bridge data errors
Error code | Name | Description |
5000 | CouldNotGetSerializedData | A serialized element couldn't be loaded for the given transaction. |
5001 | BridgeObjectDoesNotExist | No object with the specified ID could be found. |
5002 | NoBridgeObjectIdentity | A crawled bridge object couldn't be assigned an identity.
Run a delta migration to prevent data loss. For details, go to Get ready to go live. |
5003 | TransactionStartBridgeInitializing | Transaction start failed. The bridge hasn't been initialized.
Run a delta migration to prevent data loss. For details, go to Get ready to go live. |
5004 | TransactionInsertFailedWithoutErrors | Transaction insert failed without errors. If the issue persists, examine your MySQL logs.
Run a delta migration to prevent data loss. For details, go to Get ready to go live. |
5005 | TransactionUpdateFailedWithoutErrors | Transaction update failed without errors. If the issue persists, examine your MySQL logs.
Run a delta migration to prevent data loss. For details, go to Get ready to go live. |
5006 | TransactionStartUnexpectedError | An unexpected error occurred when starting a transaction. Check the accompanying error message for more information.
Run a delta migration to prevent data loss. For details, go to Get ready to go live. |
Bridge execution errors
Google connection errors
Error code | Name | Description |
50000 | InheritedPermissionNotFound | The permission was expected to be inherited, but was not detected. The transaction failed to ensure the permission was inherited. |
50001 | GoogleUploadTimeout | There was a timeout while uploading a file. |
50002 | GoogleServiceUnavailable | The Google service is not available. |
50003 | TemporaryFolderCreationFailed | Could not provision a temporary folder for the creation of data with an unknown parent. |
50004 | ExistingDocumentHandlingFailed | Information from an existing document couldn't be copied to the replacement file. |
50005 | GoogleQueryFail | An error occurred while running the query. |
50006 | GrantSharingRightFailed | The sharing right being added didn't correspond to a Google Account. Sharing with this user requires that email notifications are allowed.
To do this, turn on Allow email invitations in the settings template. |
50007 | DomainDoesNotAllowSharingRight | The domain doesn't allow the requested sharing right. For help, contact your domain administrator. |
50008 | WriteAccessDenied | Unable to assign write access for the modifying user. |
50009 | DomainTransferFileCopyFailed | The domain transfer file copy couldn't be completed. |
50010 | MetadataUpdateFailed | An error occurred finalizing metadata. |
50011 | RenameFileFail | An error occurred when renaming the file. |
50012 | SetModifiedFailed | The last modified date couldn't be set. |
50013 | InsertParentFail | Adding the parent folder reference failed. |
50014 | SyncPermissionsFail | Failed to synchronize permissions. |
50015 | ICalConflictsWithUnknownEvent | The imported event's iCal ID conflicts with an existing but unknown event. |
50016 | NoSuperAdminsWithCalendarAccess | No super administrator accounts have the Google Calendar service turned on. For more information, read the Migrate using super administrator accounts monitoring point in the table. |
50017 | MoveItemFailed | Moving the Drive item failed. |
50018 | ImpersonateUserFailed | Couldn't impersonate the expected owner. |
Bridge processing errors
Error code | Name | Description |
60000 | ProcessingHalted | Processing of bridge transactions halted. |
60001 | CouldNotStartTransaction | The transaction for the given element couldn't be started. |
60002 | TransactionMissing | The processed transaction couldn't be found in the transaction index. |
60003 | NoTypeMappingDefined | No type mapping was defined for the given type. |
60004 | NoProcessingStepsDefined | No processing steps were defined for the given type. |
60005 | InvalidTransactionState | The transaction wasn't in the expected state. |
60006 | DeferralFailed | A required prior transaction failed. |
60007 | TransactionsHalted | No transactions have changed state within the defined window. |
60008 | BridgeHalted | Bridge execution halted or completed prior to completion of the transaction. To troubleshoot, go to Troubleshoot 60008 errors. |
60009 | DeferralConditionsExhausted | All known deferral conditions for this transaction have been resolved, but the element can't be written. |
60010 | InvalidBridgeConfiguration | Invalid bridge configuration caused an error. |
ABBadRequest errors
Error code | Name | Description |
1048577 | NoResponse | No response service was provided. |
1048578 | Unauthorized | The connector isn't authorized for that request. |
1048580 | MissingRequestType | No request type was defined for this request element. |
1048584 | TooManyRequestTypes | Only one request type may be specified for a single object fetch. |
1048592 | LocationNotFound | No object was found at the specified location. You might get this error if you're migrating:
1048608 | LocationTypeMismatch | The object found at the specified location was not of the expected type. |
1048640 | ReadOnlyType | The request type does not allow write operations. |
1048704 | TooManyResponses | The request returned a collection when a single value was expected. |
1048832 | RequestConversionError | Type conversion failed for this request. |
1049088 | SerializationError | Could not serialize converted type objects. |
1049600 | ResponseRoutingError | The response service received an unexpected request. |
1050624 | ConnectionUnavailable | The requested connection is unavailable. |
1052672 | DispatchFailed | The intended response service was initially found, but the request could not be dispatched. |
1056768 | TryAgainLater | The request could not be currently completed. You should try again later. |
1064960 | WriteOnlyType | The request type does not allow read operations |
1081344 | InvalidWriteContext | The request could not be written in the current context.
You might see this issue if you attempt to migrate the same source content to more than location within Drive. For more information, go to Migrating files & folders to multiple locations in Google Drive for Sharepoint, file shares, Box, or Google Workspace. |
1114112 | InvalidElementData | The supplied element did not specify required data. |
1310720 | DataRequestFailed | A request for additional data failed.
You might see this error if you're trying to migrate files from SharePoint that are larger than 2 GB. Make sure that the node servers have sufficient space available. The nodes must have more free space than the size of the largest file you're migrating. For more details on SharePoint file sizes, go to Items over 2 GB. |
1572864 | RequestInvalidated | The requesting service was invalidated. |
2097152 | UnexpectedException |
An internal connector error occurred. You might get this error if:
3145728 | InvalidRequest | An internal connector error occurred. |
5242880 | InvalidAction | A request for an unrecognized action was sent to a connector. You might see this if you have mismatched versions of platform and nodes, and a new action is sent to an old node. |
9437184 | SkippedByContext | A transaction has been skipped. It has been marked with this code for identification purposes. |
17825792 | WarnedByContext | The request could not be completed. Some data might not have been written correctly. |
34603008 | InvalidImport | The specified import string was invalid. |
68157440 | ResolvedByContext | A request was made to change an object that exists and is unable to be changed. No action was taken. |
135266304 | AbsoluteUriNotSupported | The location was an absolute URI which is not supported. |
269484032 | NoMatchingSiteCollection | The mapping location did not match any known site collection. |
537919488 | InvalidLocation | The requested location is invalid. |
If there’s a problem that you cannot resolve, contact Google Workspace support. For details, go to the section Still need help? in Troubleshoot Google Workspace Migrate.
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