Changes to the YouTube Partner Programme terms

New YouTube Partner Programme terms must be accepted by 10 July 2023 to continue monetising on YouTube. Partners also need to accept new terms to begin earning Shorts ad revenue starting as early as 1 February 2023 or on the date accepted.

We recently announced how we're expanding and evolving the YouTube Partner Programme (YPP) by introducing new eligibility criteria for Shorts, introducing new ways to earn on YouTube (including ad revenue sharing for Shorts) and opening access to Creator Music. 

To make these changes possible, we have new YouTube Partner Programme terms. Read on to understand the latest changes to these terms and take steps to ensure that your channel can continue monetising.

Introducing Modules

We've restructured the YouTube Partner Programme terms to include new Modules that give creators more flexibility in how they can earn from their content. After signing the Base Terms, which are the foundational contract terms for all creators wishing to monetise on the platform, creators can pick and choose from contract Modules to unlock earning opportunities. 

Base Terms

The Base Terms include foundational programme terms like how we pay you, our content policies and new terms like country pass-throughs and Rights Clearance Adjustments. All creators in or looking to join the YouTube Partner Programme are required to accept the Base Terms. 

Watch Page Monetisation Module

The watch page represents pages within YouTube, YouTube Music and YouTube Kids dedicated to the description and playback of your long-form or live streaming videos. To earn ad and YouTube Premium revenue on long-form or live streaming videos viewed on the watch page or when embedded on other sites in the YouTube Video Player, you'll need to accept the Watch Page Monetisation Module. For existing creators in the YPP, this means that you'll need to accept this Module to continue earning ad revenue from the watch page. 

Shorts Monetisation Module

The Shorts Monetisation Module allows your channel to share revenue from ads viewed between videos in the Shorts Feed. Once you've accepted this Module, you'll start earning from Shorts Feed ads and YouTube Premium revenue on your eligible Shorts views as early as 1 February 2023. If you accept after 1 February 2023, Shorts ad revenue sharing will begin accruing on the date that you accept. For more details on how ad revenue sharing works for Shorts, see our YouTube Shorts monetisation policies

Commerce Product Module 

The Commerce Product Module (formerly the Commerce Product Addendum) unlocks a series of fan funding features that help you earn while connecting with your fans, ranging from channel memberships to Super Chat, Super Stickers and Super Thanks. These terms remain the same, so if you've already accepted, you won't need to accept them again.

What happens if you don't accept the updated terms

It's important for all partners to review and understand the new YouTube Partner Programme terms. Accepting the Base Terms is required to join or remain in the YPP. 

Shorts ad revenue sharing begins on 1 February 2023. To start earning ad revenue on your Shorts views, monetising partners will need to accept the Base Terms and Shorts Monetisation Module. You will not be able to earn from Shorts Feed ads until you do so. Shorts views accrued prior to accepting the Shorts Monetisation Module are not eligible for Shorts ad revenue sharing.

To remain in the YouTube Partner Programme and continue monetising on YouTube, all monetising partners will have until 10 July 2023 to review and accept the new terms. If you don't accept at least the Base Terms by that date, your channel will be removed from the YouTube Partner Programme and your monetisation agreement will be terminated. After that happens, you'll need to requalify and reapply to join again. 

Once your channel has been removed from the YPP, bear in mind that YouTube's Terms of Service still apply and govern your use of YouTube. This includes YouTube's right to monetise and display ads on your content. If you're currently not in the YouTube Partner Programme but you were previously, you may still see ads being served on your content but won't be entitled to payment. 

Frequently asked questions

Why did you decide to modularise the terms?

Introducing Modules to the YouTube Partner Programme terms means that we can add new monetisation opportunities in the future without having to update or amend the entire monetisation agreement.

This approach also gives creators increased transparency and focus to decide which monetisation opportunities are right for their channel.

Can I opt out of certain Modules after I've accepted them?

Yes. You can choose to opt out of specific monetisation Modules at any time by contacting Creator Support.

How does this work for channels in a Multi-Channel Network (MCN)?

All monetising partners need to accept the updated Base Terms by 10 July 2023 to continue monetising. If the managing MCN doesn't accept by 10 July but their affiliate channel does, then the affiliate channel will be released from their MCN and treated the same as any other YPP partner without any impact on their monetisation status.

What should I know if I use Studio Content Manager (CMS)?

Partners with access to Studio Content Manager (CMS) will need to accept a Monetisation Amendment that includes monetisation of your long-form content on the watch page. It also includes foundational programme terms like how we pay you, our content policies and new terms like country pass-throughs, Rights Clearance Adjustments and content eligible to be remixed. Partners that wish to unlock Shorts ad revenue sharing will also need to accept the Shorts Monetisation Module. 

Partners using YouTube Studio Content Manager will also need to review and accept the new terms by 10 July 2023. If you don't accept at least the Monetisation Amendment by that date, your monetisation agreement will be terminated and your channels will no longer be monetising on YouTube.
What do the new 'Non-qualifying revenues' terms mean for monetisation?

YouTube's terms help to make sure that we're providing an ecosystem in which we can deliver value to advertisers and users, and responsibly and fairly reward creators. Instances of financial fraud, which unfairly capture earnings from fake views or purchases using stolen credit cards, hurt the ecosystem by creating loss of trust with advertisers, creators and viewers. 

When we detect such abuse, we refund negatively impacted parties, such as advertisers or users, where appropriate and possible. YouTube does not keep this revenue and creators should also not receive a share of any refunded revenue. Any actions that we may take are proportional to the circumstances, as outlined under related policies. For example, while we may recoup and refund revenue resulting from financial fraud, we are not seeking to recoup revenue if videos are later found not to meet our advertiser-friendly content guidelines.

The 'Non-qualifying revenues' section of the new YouTube Partner Programme terms doesn't reflect new policies. This section is instead aimed at bringing more transparency to our existing programme policies about changes or delays to payments in instances such as financial fraud. 'Non-qualifying revenues' covers two different scenarios in which we may recoup revenue in the event of specific violations like invalid traffic:

  1. YouTube may withhold or adjust any partner earnings associated with a breach of the terms.
    1. For example, if we detect financial fraud before a payment is made, we may adjust the payment to remove the associated revenue or withhold payment for that portion of revenue while we investigate the fraud. 
  2. YouTube may charge back or offset such amounts against future partner earnings payable to you.
    1. For example, if we detect financial fraud after a payment has been made, the associated revenue could be charged back against any AdSense for YouTube balance that has not yet been disbursed, or otherwise offset or deducted from future earnings. When this happens, chargebacks are deducted from your AdSense for YouTube balance, not your bank account.
There is no change to how we process revenue for Content ID claims between monetising partners. In these cases, we will continue to withhold revenue while a dispute is in progress.


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