For every survey you design with one or more screening questions, we automatically run a short test that establishes incidence rate for that survey. Based on this incidence rate, which provides us with an estimate of the size of your available audience, we calculate the price per completed response and send you an email with this price and a link to purchase the survey.
To create your survey, follow all the same steps as you would normally and select the appropriate screening questions and threshold answers during setup. When you're ready to submit your survey for an audience test, follow these instructions:
- Create your survey and select the appropriate screening questions and threshold answers.
- When your questions are ready, click CONFIRM.
- On the Confirm survey page you will see a description of the audience-test process.
The test runs for up to 24 hours and determines the number of users that screen through. You are not charged for this test. After the test is complete, you receive an email with the price per completed response, and a link to purchase the survey.
When running audience tests for a survey, the following factors may impact the price per completed response:
- The time of day the audience test ran
- The completion rate of the respondents
- The mix of publisher sites that were used for the survey