Find specific devices in the devices list

As an administrator, you can review a list of devices managed by your organization. If you want to find specific devices, you can use the search bar and filters to narrow the list.

Search bar

To search by a keyword or device serial number, at the top of the page, enter the word or number in the search bar.

  • Searches aren't case-sensitive.
  • The keyword is matched across most columns with string values. For example, you can search by part of a user's name or email, the device name, and the operating system. You can't search by ownership, status, or days since first or last sync.
  • To search for an exact phrase, enter the words in quotes, such as "iOS 13".
  • Search treats punctuation marks and symbols as spaces. For example, searching for [email protected] is the same as searching for "admin example com".


To narrow your list with a filter, at the top of the list, click Add a filter and select the filter conditions. For example, you can filter by management level (basic or advanced), username, and other device details. When you filter by first or last sync date, you enter a date range.

Common filter options

Filter Description
Type The device platform. In the mobile devices list, choose from Android, iOS, or Google Sync. In the devices and endpoints lists, you can also choose Chrome OS, Mac, Windows, Linux, or Smart home devices (for Nest smart displays and speakers).
Management level* The mobile management level set for the user of the device: Basic or Advanced.
Android privilege*

The level of control your organization has for a managed device. Possible values: 

Device owner—The device is company-owned. It might be owned by your organization, or it might be a user's personal device that they set up as work-only. Your organization has full control of the device. 

Profile owner—The device has a managed work profile that’s separate to the user's personal space. Your organization only has control of the work profile.

Device administrator—The user has a managed account in the personal space on their device. 

Last sync date A date range of when a device last synced with Google servers.
OS The exact operating system of the device. For example, "iOS 14.4" or "Chrome OS 13904.66.0". Partial operating system names, such as "iOS 14" or "Android 8", may not return any results.
Updates pending* For Android devices under advanced mobile management, whether an OS or security update is available.
Ownership Whether the device is company-owned or the user’s personal device. 
Apps* The name of an app installed on the device, such as "Chrome". Reported only for iOS, Android, and Windows devices.
Compromised status*

For mobile devices, whether the device is rooted or jailbroken (processes that remove restrictions on the device).

Password status

Whether the device has a screen lock passcode. Value is On if a password is set.

For endpoints, a value is reported only for devices managed with endpoint verification.


  • Chrome OS devices always have a passcode. The password status is Off when the device doesn't have automatic screen lock enabled.
  • Mac devices can have other types of passwords besides passcodes. This property doesn't report whether the device has any other type of password, such as a firmware password.

*The filters that are available depend on which devices list you're in.

  • If you go to Devicesand thenOverviewand thenMobile devices, or Devicesand thenMobile & endpointsand thenDevices, you have the common filter options in the table, plus several more.
  • If you go to Devicesand thenOverviewand thenEndpoints, the common filter options with a "*" aren't available. 

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