Information about each auction for your inventory is now available in Ad Manager Data Transfer.
The NetworkBackfillBidsJoinable
file includes details about all bids (excluding bids to EEA users) for your inventory, whether the bid won the auction or not. This file is joinable to other data transfer files.
The KeyPart field can be used to join bids to other Backfill data transfer files (such as NetworkBackfillRequests and NetworkBackfillImpressions), and can join with the BackfillKeyPart field in non-Backfill files (such as NetworkRequests and NetworkImpressions), since there may be bids on requests that go unfilled or are filled by other line item types.
Learn how to get started.
You can only subscribe to one bid file at any given time.
NetworkBackfillBidsJoinable file fields
Field name | Description |
AdUnitId |
The ID for the inventory ad unit where the creative delivered. |
BidDealType |
Type of deal. "Private auction", "Preferred deal", "Programmatic guaranteed", or blank if no deal was applied. |
BidPrice |
Offered price for this bid after revenue sharing calculations. Displayed in the Ad Manager network's default currency. |
BidRejectionReason |
Reason the bid lost or did not participate in the auction. Possible values include:
BidSellerReservePrice |
The per-buyer floor price from unified pricing rules. Displayed in the Ad Manager network's default currency. |
BidSourceType |
The value "1" indicates an Open Bidding bid. The value “2” indicates a non-Open Bidding bid from an Authorized Buyer, Display & Video 360, or Google Ads. The value “3” indicates a Header Bidding bid. |
Country |
The name of the country associated with the IP address of the user. |
CountryId |
A numeric ID assigned to a user's country which can be matched using the API. |
IsOptimizedDeal |
Denotes whether a PA/OB PD deal is optimized. Values:
KeyPart |
Unique query identifier (hashed key). This field can be used in combination with TimeUsec2 to uniquely identify a query or bid auction. |
MobileAppId |
Mobile application ID that requested the ad. For Android, this is the package name. For iOS, this is an integer. |
OptimizationType |
The type of optimization applied when filling the request. Possible values:
ProcessingDateAndHour |
The label of the data processing partition. Data Transfer publishes events 24 times per day, so each partition is uniquely labelled with the date and hour when the processing of the partition started. This label always matches date and hour in the filename suffix. Format: [YYYYMMDD]_[HH]. Timezone: PST. Hour is zero indexed. |
Time |
The time of the event in your network's local timezone, displayed in 24-hour format (YYYY-MM-DD-HH:MI:SS). |
TimeUsec2 |
The Unix time (also known as epoch time) of a query in microseconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC. Use this value with the Keypart field value to uniquely identify a request or bid auction. |