Explore the Top pricing rules card

You can now review more data on the Top pricing rules card. 

  • Use the card to compare how your unified pricing rules influenced your bid landscapes over a selected time period.
  • Select a pricing rule to view related data in a combined bar and line chart. 


The values in the chart represent ranges of values and net revenue, and illustrate bid distribution. You can use the data in the chart to understand which bid amounts are winning auctions and how those winning values affect your estimated revenue.

The Ad Manager interface showing the Top pricing rules card with chart.

The following axes appear in the chart for each of your pricing rules:

  • Bid count axis (left): The number of bids that occurred within each bid range. Each bar in the chart is color-coded to represent 1) the winning bids and 2) the highest losing bids.

    A winning bid is a bid that won an auction and generated an impression. A highest losing bid is the highest bid from Authorized Buyers or Open Bidding where neither were the winner of the auction. This might happen for one of the following reasons:
    • The highest bid (from Authorized Buyers and Open Bidding) in the auction was below the floor you set in the unified pricing rule.
    • The bid was outbid by a remnant line item with a higher CPM, and the remnant line item won the impression with a higher CPM.
    • The bid was below the temporary CPM of a guaranteed line item, and a guaranteed campaign won the impression instead.
    A highest losing bid is only attributed to a single unified pricing rule, even in cases where multiple rules match the targeting criteria for the bid. Losing bids reveal missed opportunities where the floor is set by the UPR being evaluated in the card.

    If the floor was set by conditions other than the UPR (such as First Look or other inventory rules), then the "Losing Bid" is "Other." The goal is that publishers can evaluate what traffic they could potentially recover when changing only the UPR rule floor. "Other" means that the traffic is likely not recoverable by lowering the subrule floor.

  • Bid range axis (bottom): The amount of each bid, grouped into ranges. The bars in the chart are arranged along this axis and demonstrate which bid ranges accounted for more bids.
  • Estimated revenue axis (right): The estimated net revenue associated with each bid range, represented by a line in the chart.
    Note: Not all bids will become impressions and generate revenue. This may lead to some discrepancies between the amount of potential revenue represented by winning bids and the actual earned revenue from impressions.

Show or hide bid data on the chart 

You can show or hide bid data (winning bid auction channels and losing bid rejection reasons) on the chart. And you can group or break down the data to organize it.

  1. Click  to expand a pricing rule, then select Everything or a single pricing option.
  2. Next to "Chart view," choose an option:
    • To view a breakdown of bids, select Break down bids.
    •  To organize bids into a group, select Group bids.
  3. To show or hide losing bids by rejection reason, under "Losing bids," check or uncheck a box. 
    All boxes are checked by default.
  4. To show or hide winning bids by auction type, under "Winning bids," check or uncheck a box. 
    All boxes are checked by default.

About pricing rule data on the card

If a pricing rule is inactive, "Inactive" shows next to its name.

  • To view data for bids that aren't associated with any of your pricing rules, under "Rule name," select No pricing rule applied.
  • To view data for a pricing rule that isn’t displayed, in the top-right corner, click Search pricing rules and enter a rule. 
  • For CPC line items, pricing rules may not be applied at times to calculate eCPM.

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