Explore the Programmatic video signals card

To view performance of your programmatic video inventory, check the Programmatic video signals card. At the top of the card, you can view impressions, fill rate, eCPM, and eligible requests.


  • To view performance for different platforms, in the top-right corner of the card, click the dropdown and choose an option.
  • To view a detailed report for a selected tab, at the bottom of the card, click View in reporting.

Example of the "Programmatic video signals" card in Google Ad Manager

Use Ad Manager reports to understand your video signals

Ad Manager Reports can help you better understand buyer demand for your video inventory by showing you granular data on your signal coverage and programmatic monetization performance. You can drill into specific slices of your video inventory (such as ad units, line items, platforms or apps) to gain insight into these dimensions:

  • User identifier status: This dimension tells you whether a valid audience advertising identifier signal (IFA, for example) was present for a programmatic ad request. Possible values include:
    • Active: An identifier signal was present and active
    • Restricted: An identifier signal was present but inactive due to restrictions on how identifiers may be used
    • Missing: An identifier signal wasn't present
  • Predicted viewability: The estimated viewability of your inventory based on your ad slot's historical and environmental data, grouped by the following viewability thresholds:
    • ≥50%
    • 20% to 49% 
    • ≤19%
    • Unknown
  • Known domain or app: Includes App names (for mobile app/CTV inventory) and Domain (for web inventory). These signals verify, for you and your buyers, that your inventory is from a known and brand-safe site or app. 

View a snapshot of your signal coverage

You can view a network-level snapshot of your instream video inventory’s programmatic signal score, which is defined in the table:

Card tab Values
Video signal score  High Medium Low
User identifier status Active Active Restricted Missing Anything
not captured in high or medium segments
Predicted viewability ≥50% ≥19% ≥19% ≥19%
Known domain or app Known Unknown Unknown Known


To find opportunities to increase critical signal coverage on video inventory with low signal scores, you can use two different views within the video signals card: 

  • View 1: Inventory by health score
    The "Video signal score" tab helps publishers understand how much of their total video inventory has a high, medium, and low health grade broken out by all video platforms, web, TV and game console, or app.

    The metrics provided at the top show impressions, fill rate, eCPM, and Programmatic eligible requests for the time period with comparisons to the last time period. The metrics include all programmatic transaction types (Open Auction, Private Auction, Preferred Deals, Programmatic Guaranteed) with bid requests sent to all demand sources (Authorized Buyers including Google Ads and Display & Video 360, and Open Bidders).

    To view a report with the dimensions that make up each score (User identifier status, Predicted viewability, Domain and App names), on the "Video signal score" tab, click View in reporting.
  • View 2: Inventory by key programmatic signals
    The next three tabs ("User identifier status," "Predicted viewability," and "Known domain or app") show the trends of each of these key signals over time.

    To view a report, on a tab, click View in reporting.

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