Allow restricted categories

You can allow ads to appear for the restricted categories of alcohol and gambling/betting. Restricted categories consist of ads that were previously categorized as non-family safe and were not allowed on pages managed by Ad Exchange. 

Restricted categories eligibility

All inventory-level restricted categories are opted out by default. To be able to opt in to alcohol ads at the inventory level, you must first opt in at the network level. There's no network-level setting for gambling/betting ads.

Alcohol eligibility

Only Google Ad Manager Publishers in Alcohol promotion allowed countries can opt in to receiving alcohol ads. A full list of allowed countries can be found here.

Serves alcohol ads when ONLY the network (Admin > Global settings > AdX settings > Alcohol policies) setting is enabled Serves alcohol ads when BOTH network (Admin > Global settings > AdX settings > Alcohol policies) and inventory (Protections > Ad content > Restricted categories > Alcohol) settings are enabled
  • Publisher-managed Programmatic Guaranteed
  • Traditional reservations
  • Advertiser-managed Programmatic Guaranteed
  • Open Auctions
  • First Look
  • Private Auctions
  • Preferred Deals

Transactions in the column to the left are not affected by the inventory setting.

Gambling/betting eligibility

Serves gambling ads regardless of the inventory (Protections > Ad content > Restricted categories > Gambling) setting Serves gambling ads ONLY when the inventory (Protections > Ad content > Restricted categories > Gambling) setting is enabled
  • Publisher-managed Programmatic Guaranteed
  • Advertiser-managed Programmatic Guaranteed
  • Preferred Deals
  • Traditional reservations
  • Open Auctions
  • First Look
  • Private Auctions

Transactions in the column to the left are not affected by the inventory setting.

Learn more about transaction types.

Opt-in for inventory-level restricted categories

To activate the alcohol opt-in setting at the inventory level, first opt-in at the network level.

  1. Sign in to Google Ad Manager.
  2. Click Protections, and then Protections.
  3. Click New protection, and then Ad content.
  4. Name your opt-in.
  5. From the "Inventory type" dropdown, select the medium on which you want to allow the display of ads, such as Mobile app.
  6. The default is to apply the protection to all inventory. To target specific inventory:
    • Select Only protect specified inventory, click Add targeting, select an item from the dropdown, and make your targeting selections.
    • Learn more about targeting in protections.
  7. Under "Opt-ins," click Add next to "Restricted categories."
  8. Click the box to the left of the category you want to allow.
    • The box will be green to indicate the category is allowed.
    • A locked icon Lock in the box means the category has been disabled for your account. Contact someone in your organization with Ad Manager admin privileges to activate the category. If that doesn't work, contact publisher support.
  9. Click Update.
  10. Add more protections as needed and click Save.

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