Traffic HTML5 creatives

Upload HTML5 creatives to serve them using SafeFrame. #html5 #safeframe
Upload HTML5 creatives as easily as other creatives in Ad Manager with the HTML5 creative type. Simply select the HTML5 creative type when adding a creative, and you’ll be able to quickly upload HTML5 zip bundles or standalone HTML files. Ad Manager handles the bundle/file properly with no manual work required. You can also report on HTML5 creatives as a distinct "Creative type" under the "Delivery" dimension.
  • Ad Manager always serves HTML5 creatives using SafeFrame. SafeFrame protects users by limiting the creative's interaction with the page. Learn more about how to render creatives using SafeFrame.
  • An HTML5 bundle or the total size of extracted files cannot exceed 2000 KB
  1. In Ad Manager, click Delivery, then Creatives, and then New creative.
  2. In the “New creative” pop-up, search for the advertiser whose creative you're adding and then click Continue.
  3. From the list of creative types, click HTML5.
  4. Name your creative.
  5. Under "HTML5 File," click Browse or drag and drop to upload your creative. You can upload an HTML5 zip bundle or a standalone HTML file.
    Learn about the requirements when building an HTML zip bundle.
  6. A table of click tags appears.
    • Click tags allow the ad server to track ad clicks, and they define click-through URLs for each exit on your HTML5 creative. To edit a click-through URL, hover over it in the table and click the Edit (Edit) icon that appears in the bottom right.
    • Ad Manager requires HTML5 creatives to have at least one standard click tag. If your HTML5 creative does not have a click tag, ask your advertiser to update the creative or add one by editing the primary HTML file before uploading the creative to Ad Manager. See Follow click tag guidelines to learn more.
  7. After you upload the file, Ad Manager automatically displays the Target ad unit size where the creative should deliver.
    • Ad Manager attempts to automatically determine the creative’s size. See Dimension guidelines for information on how Ad Manager determines the size of HTML5 creatives.
    • In cases where Ad Manager cannot automatically determine the size of the creative, you can update the "Target ad unit size" manually. Once the creative is saved, this value cannot be changed.
  8. (Optional) Use Labels to set up frequency capping.
  9. Ad Manager automatically scans creatives for SSL compatibility. Before the creative is scanned, the “SSL compatible” field has a value of Not yet scanned. You can manually set the creative’s SSL status by clicking override. Learn more about how to check creatives for SSL compatibility.
    • SSL-compatible creatives can deliver to both HTTPS and HTTP sites. They can be previewed within Ad Manager.
    • SSL-incompatible creatives can only deliver to HTTP sites. They cannot be previewed within Ad Manager.
  10. (Optional) Lock the creative’s Orientation when displayed in mobile apps.
  11. (Optional) Use Custom fields to organize objects in reports.
  12. (Optional) Enter multiple Third-party impression tracking URLs.
    The trackers are pinged when the creative appears and can contain macros. Note that these URLs are not supported for creatives with an actual size of "Out-of-page."
  13. Click Save.
    If you updated the “Target ad unit size” in step 6, you may see this message: “The size of the uploaded asset doesn’t match the size that was specified.” If the “Target ad unit size” is the actual creative size you want to serve, then select the “Allow creative size to differ from ad unit size” check box and click Save again.
  14. Preview and/or test your creative.
    • If the preview does not load correctly, there may be an issue with your HTML5 zip bundle. Open your browser’s console and look for errors.
    • Ad Manager cannot preview SSL-incompatible creatives. If the automatic SSL scan has not yet completed, you can override SSL compatibility. Next to “SSL compatible”, click override and then select Yes.
    • Creatives that use JavaScript to access the top-level window may not work in Ad Manager preview. Instead, try on-site preview.
    To test your creative on your site, create an order and line item with the creative. Navigate to the creative within the order and click On site. Learn more about how to preview a creative.

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