The number of ads returned by an ad source in response to ad requests. Not all matched requests result in an impression.
Bidding ad sources
For bidding ad sources, matched requests is the number of times an ad source wins the bidding auction and the waterfall (if applicable), and returns an ad to the app.
Waterfall ad sources
For waterfall ad sources, matched requests is the number of times an ad source is called in the mediation waterfall and returns an ad to the app.
Partner bidding ad units
When using the partner bidding ready-made report, the definition of matched requests is the number of times Google wins the Google bidding auction, your third-party bidding auction, and third-party waterfall (if applicable), and returns an ad to the app.
Because matched requests are calculated differently for partner bidding ad units, you may notice a drop in match rate and an increase in show rate on your reports. This does not affect your ad revenue.