These release notes are archives provided for your convenience only and might not reflect current product functionality. For the latest releases, see AdMob Announcements.
Q3 2015
The Interstitial timeout field (available in an ad unit's settings) is no longer supported by the Google Mobile Ads Android and iOS SDKs. As a result, AdMob has removed the Interstitial timeout field for interstitial ad units.
You can continue to create interstitial ad units in AdMob and continue to implement interstitial ad formats in your apps. This change does not affect ad serving or monetization.
Q2 2015
We're improving the way ad requests are reported in AdMob. This means you may see changes in recent request data, including a gap in past requests, as these updates are implemented. Impression and click data may also be affected.
These changes won’t affect your revenue or how ads are served in your apps, but will increase the accuracy of your AdMob reports going forward. Full historical data for the previous method of counting ad requests is still available as the AD_REQUESTS
metric within the AdSense Management API.