Troubleshoot manager account linking and unlinking errors

If there's a problem while linking or unlinking accounts to a manager account, you'll get an error. Select the error message you're seeing and follow the troubleshooting steps to solve your issue.

"Invitee is already managed by another manager in your hierarchy"

The sub-account is already linked to a manager in the same manager hierarchy (with the same top-level manager). An account can only be linked once within a manager hierarchy, so the sub-account first needs to be unlinked from its current manager.

A user with an Admin role for the sub-account will need to unlink the accounts.

If you don't see another manager account in your hierarchy that's linked to the sub-account, it's possible that you don't have access to that account because it's at a higher level in the hierarchy. You'll need to contact a user with an Admin role for the top-level manager account.

"The client would be linked more than once in a hierarchy"

Manager accounts with a shared client account can’t be part of the same manager hierarchy (have the same top-level manager). An account can only be linked once within a manager hierarchy.

To link to this client account, you first need to unlink the client account from the other manager account in the same hierarchy. You must have an Admin role for either account to unlink them.

"You have reached the maximum number of managers"

You have reached the limit of 1 manager account directly managing another manager account. A sub-manager account can only have 1 manager linked directly above it.

Note that this limit only applies to manager accounts. A client account can have up to 5 manager accounts linked directly to it.

You can indirectly link to this account by linking to its manager instead. If you want a direct link, you first need a user in an Admin role to unlink the account from its current manager.

"Linking invitee would exceed the maximum number of allowable sub-manager levels"

You have reached the limit of 3 manager levels. Manager hierarchies can only be 3 levels deep, which means that you can only have 3 accounts on top of each other in your manager account hierarchy.

If you receive this error message and you see fewer than 3 manager levels in the hierarchy, then there is likely an additional manager account above your top-level manager account that you can't see because you lack access.

Link your new manager account at a point in the hierarchy where it won't add another level, or unlink one of the existing managers in the hierarchy.

"You have reached the maximum number of managers"

You have reached the limit of 5 managers managing 1 client account. Client accounts can only have up to 5 manager accounts directly linked to them.

Unlink one of the existing manager accounts before linking your new manager account. If you won't exceed the maximum limit of 3 levels in a manager hierarchy by doing so, you can instead link one of the existing manager accounts to your new manager account.

"You have the maximum number of accounts."

You have reached the maximum number of accounts. Each manager account has a maximum account limit of 50 client accounts, which is the maximum number of client accounts your manager account can be linked to at any given time, either directly or indirectly.

To link additional accounts, you must first unlink client accounts from your manager account.

"You have reached the maximum number of pending invitations"

You have reached the maximum number of pending requests to link accounts. The maximum number of pending requests is 20. You can see your pending requests in your manager account under Sent link requests. If your manager account already has 20 pending requests, then you cannot invite additional accounts.

To reduce the number of pending requests, you can ask users with Admin roles for the requested accounts to accept the linking requests, or you can withdraw the requests if they are no longer needed.

"Each account must have either a user with administrative access or a manager account with administrative ownership"

The account doesn't have any users with Admin roles or owners besides this manager account. Accounts can't be left without any administrators.

Add a user with an Admin role for the account.

"You don't have permission to perform this action. Only Administrative owners or users who have administrative access to this account can do this change."

You need ownership of this account to perform this action. In order to perform critical account management actions in client accounts, such as unlinking other manager accounts and accepting link requests, your manager account must have ownership of the client account and you as a user must have an Admin role for the manager account.

The current owner must be unlinked from the client account before your manager account can be granted ownership. If the client account does not currently have an owner, then a user with an Admin role for the client account must grant ownership to your account.

"You don't have permission to perform this action"

You must have an Admin role to perform this action. In order to perform critical account management tasks such as sending link requests, accepting link requests, and removing users, you must have an Admin role. Additionally, if you are a user for a manager account attempting to make these changes to a client account, your manager account must be an owner of that account.

Ask a user with an Admin role for your account to make the change, or ask them to change your access level to “Admin” so that you can make the change.

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