For video partner platforms that aren't integrated with the IMA SDK, you can still monetize in VAST- and VPAID-compliant players. The IMA Adapter integration supports access to AdSense for video. The IMA Adapter is supported for web only. The video player implementation must be compatible with VAST 2 or 3 as well as VPAID 2 JS. It works by automatically executing the IMA SDK technology prior to making the ad request, without an additional SDK-integration step.
AdSense for video (AFV)
IMA Adapter (AFV)
A direct IMA SDK integration is always preferable because it enables more features than the IMA Adapter, including dynamic allocation, frequency caps, competitive separation, ad scheduling with ad rules and VMAP, among other features. If a direct IMA SDK integration is not possible however, the IMA Adapter can at least access demand from AdSense for video.
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