August 2020


Open Bidding for inventory from Russia and China

We’ll soon allow bid requests for Russian and Chinese inventory. This access will have additional policy constraints, leveraging the same technology for automated reviews for Russia and China in Authorized Buying. This beta will be available to existing publishers and buyers active on Open Bidding, who use Google’s SDK. Please contact your account manager if you’re interested in applying to this beta.

Real-time bidding

New bid request and bid response support for Apple SKAdNetwork

We’ve announced new fields for upcoming support for SKAdNetwork in iOS14. The bid request will contain the Publisher's SKAdNetwork information to support app installation attribution for iOS 14 and later.

Apple's SKAdNetwork API helps advertisers measure ad-driven app installation by sending a postback to the ad network after a successful install. Publishers will need to configure supported ad networks in their app's property list (Info.plist) to allow an install to be attributed to the ad impression. Ad networks and DSPs will need to send their network ID and signed advertiser information to allow an install to be attributed to the ad impression. Read Apple's SKAdNetwork Developer Documentation for more info, as well as the IAB’s proposal on Github.


RTB requests for Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados (LGPD) compliance

To help bidders comply with the Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados (LGPD) Brazilian privacy law, we added BidRequest.adslot.regs_lgpd (Google Protocol) and Regs.ext.lgpd (OpenRTB) to the bid request. These parameters are set to true when an impression will serve a user in Brazil. 

Update to Enabling Dishonest Behavior policy

In August 2020, the Google Ads Enabling Dishonest Behavior policy was updated to clarify restrictions on advertising for spyware and surveillance technology. The updated policy prohibits the promotion of products or services that are marketed or targeted with the express purpose of tracking or monitoring another person or their activities without their authorization. This policy applies globally and we began enforcing this policy update on August 11, 2020.

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