Mobile inventory and options

Mobile inventory

Two types of mobile inventory are available:

  1. Mobile apps
  2. Mobile web

Both types of inventory can be accessed on smartphones or tablets. See Technical specifications and creatives for a summary of your format options.

Mobile apps

To target inventory on mobile applications and games, create an ad unit with any size corresponding to the list above as it relates to your campaign criteria, and specify which apps to target via the placement tool. Learn how to target apps.

Mobile devices

When you create an ad campaign, mobile devices are included by default under "Devices" in the "Who should see my ad" section. This inventory consists of web content that’s displayed on mobile devices, and mobile apps. You can create a third-party ad of any size (but only IAB ad sizes with static HREF snippets can also serve to mobile apps). You can also control targeting by selecting specific ad sizes and devices. Learn how to target mobile web.

Mobile targeting options

Mobile app inventory

The primary methods for targeting mobile app inventory using the user interface are:

  • Targeting specific mobile apps--use Display Planner and search by app name.
  • Device targeting at the campaign level.
  • Topic targeting--while topic targeting is technically supported, there is sometimes insufficient data to properly auto-categorize mobile apps into topic categories.

In general, mobile apps do not support cookies, so cookie-based targeting mechanisms used for remarketing are not effective for in-app mobile inventory.

However, since Authorized Buyers passes IDFA and advertising ID to real-time bidders in bid requests, the bidder can achieve remarketing functionality by hosting a user list containing IDFA and advertising IDs on their server and checking whether the ID received in a bid request is included in the list.

Learn more about targeting mobile app inventory with IDFA and advertising ID.


You can target mobile users who are on WiFi from country down to the ZIP code level. However, you can only target mobile users on carriers at the country level.

Run-of-exchange on AdMob inventory

Run-of-exchange targeting includes AdMob inventory.

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