View cost and payment history

Learn how to navigate to transaction history

Your transaction history contains details about your advertising costs and payments.

The information displayed defaults to the detailed transaction view. You can apply filters to view only certain types of transactions for any range of dates. To see daily reporting, go to reporting

Access your transaction history

  1. Sign in to Authorized Buyers.

  2. Click Admin admin and then Billing.
  3. Click Transaction history from the top navigation menu.
  4. (Optional) Filter the information shown by selecting from the available options. To see all of the options for a given filter, select any of the default settings: All transactions or Detailed transaction view.

In both the detailed and summary views, you can see the following:

  • Debits: The combined costs for all your campaigns on a particular month.
  • Credits: The amount of your payments and any adjustments applied to your account.
  • Balance: The relationship between how much you've accrued in advertising costs and how much you've paid. Every amount in the "Debits" column increases your balance (meaning you owe more), while every amount in the "Credits" column decreases your balance (meaning you owe less). The balance represents the difference.
Learn more about the summary view

In the "Summary" view, the information is grouped by transaction type so that you can see things like costs, payments, and adjustments at a quick glance. Here are your filtering options:

  • Costs: The money you owe from advertising activity.
  • Earnings: Any applicable earnings are displayed as monthly transactions.
  • Payments: Any payments you've made to pay for your costs.
  • Adjustments: Usually, any credits applied to your account.
  • Taxes: The applicable taxes that applies to your account.

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