Create or edit a report

Select a report table structure

As you define your query, click to select how your dimensions appear in your report table. The view you select determines how much detail you can see in your output.

Table structures in report output

You have the option to select either a hierarchical table view (functions like a tree table) or a flat table view (functions like a spreadsheet). From these tables, you could explore and analyze the performance of metrics.

Our reports have a useful yellow highlighting that allows you to easily read across a row in the report grid, without losing your place.

The table columns can be sorted after you run your report. Any sorting performed on the dimensions column is preserved even after any metrics columns are sorted. For instance, when you sort the Countries dimension to display in ascending order, and you sort the Ad CTR metrics column to descending, the result includes the initial sort of the Countries column then considers the metrics sort.

Hierarchical table

Tree tables enable you to view complex sets of data, very similar to a pivot table. To investigate any analytical points of interest, locate the metrics (column headings) and data (rows). The data is arranged in a table format that can be read from left to right; down and across.

Tree tables display a deep dive of your dimensions. For example:

  • Dimensions: You select Deal IDs, Days, and Creative sizes as your dimensions.
  • Table structure: Hierarchical tree
  • Metrics: You keep the default selections.
  • Report output: The dimensions column is divided by deal ID. Under each deal ID, each day within your chosen date range is shown. Under each day, all creative sizes are listed. You can read the information across as individual rows, or read the top-level row (in this case, the deal ID).

By default, the hierarchical table is expanded. To collapse a specific piece of data, to the right of the item, click >. When the data rows are collapsed, they display summarized or totaled dimensions.

Flat table

Spreadsheet-like tables enable you to view all of the reporting data in single rows. These tables represent a less complex view of the report. The dimensions and metrics are all displayed as columns in the table.

Flat tables display a one-dimensional table view. For example:

  • Dimensions: You select Deal IDs, Days, and Creative sizes as your dimensions.
  • Table structure: Flat table
  • Metrics: You keep the default selections.
  • Report output: The dimensions selected display as their own columns in the table, as well as the metrics, sorted in ascending order by the first column. The rest of the columns are displayed in descending order. You read the information across as individual rows.

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