Understand RTB breakout data

Learn the best methods for increasing impression availability with RTB Breakout

The real-time bidding activity data shown in RTB breakout displays bid responses and impressions that were filtered from the available impressions and any potential issues that may be actionable by you. Using the activity data, you determine possible ways to increase impression availability.

  • Available impressions, inventory matches, bid requests, and successful responses sections are not visible to accounts who use third-party bidders.
  • Video pods and bid request flattening can lead to multiple bid requests sent to third-party buyers. As a result, buyers may see "Available impressions" values that exceed the total Yield group callouts values seen by publishers in Ad Manager reporting.

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Available impressions

Total number of impressions available during the chosen time period.

Filtered impressions

These impressions were filtered because of your pretargeting configuration. Authorized Buyers will only send requests for impressions that match your pretargeting criteria.

Learn more about what you can do

Pretargeting is used to ensure that Google sends you the most appropriate impression by acting as a filter for the bid requests sent to your bidder. You can access and update pretargeting configurations in either the Authorized Buyer user interface or using the REST API.

Learn more about pretargeting with the Authorized Buyer user interface or the REST API.

Inventory matches

The total number of potential queries based on your pretargeting settings.

Bid requests not sent

Bid requests for these impressions were not sent. This may be because of your quota limits, user consent, regulation, or other technical issues.

Learn more about what you can do

Quota limits are used to protect bidders from receiving more requests than they can handle, as well as to conserve Authorized Buyers resources for callouts for which you are unlikely to bid. Pretargeting matches that exceed quota limits are dropped.

You can learn more about quota limits, including error throttling and selective callouts in the Authorized Buyers Real-Time Bidding Protocol.

Bid requests

The total number of bid requests sent to the bidder. *

Bid response errors

These bid responses were unsuccessful. This may be because of a timeout, incorrect response formatting, or other response errors.

Learn more about what you can do

Your bidder must return a parsable BidResponse to every BidRequest, to avoid bid response errors, timeouts, and bidder throttling. Learn more about how to build a response using the Authorized Buyers Real-Time Bidding Protocol Response Guide and view the best practices for developing applications.

Successful responses

The total number of properly formed bid responses received by our servers within the timeout.

Responses without bids

You chose not to bid on these requests.

Responses without bids for this deal

You chose not to bid on these deal requests. This applies only if you filter RTB breakout on a particular deal.


The total number of bids received from the bidder. **

Filtered bids

The total number of bids filtered by Google policies, publisher exclusions, and bids excluded from the deal or private auction.

Learn more about what you can do

Bids that did not compete in the auction are listed in the RTB breakout bidding flow, by reason or issue, and sorted by the number and percentage of bids affected.

Click the reason or issue to see the 10 creatives with the highest volume of bids filtered for that reason. You can use this list to troubleshoot the source of your filtered bids, or click View bid samples to debug bidder issues.

To download a list of IDs for the creatives that were disapproved, click the reason or issue, followed by Export.

Learn how to troubleshoot bid response filtering or debug bidder issues.

Bids in auction

The total number of bids that passed through all filters and competed in the auction.

Lost in auction

These bids lost in the auction. You may want to ensure your bid meets the required CPM and/or adjust your bidding strategy to win more of these impressions.

Outcome unknown

With the Protected Audience API we run a two stage auction. 

  • First, there's the server-side auction (as always).
  • Second, the winner of the server-side auction competes in a final client-side auction against demand from Protected Audience interest groups.

Outcome unknown reflects when a bid wins the server side auction but we do not receive a report back from the client after running the client-side auction. Note that these events do not result in a billable impression.

Auctions won

The total number of real-time auctions your bidder won.

Lost in mediation

These bids lost because another mediation network placed higher than your bidder in the mediation chain that filled the ad query. You may want to submit a higher bid to win more of these queries. Learn more about Mediation.

Reached Queries

The total number of ad queries on which your bidder won both the real-time auction and the mediation chain.

For queries that participated in mediation, reached queries equals the total number of times your bidder won in mediation. For queries that did not participate in mediation, reached queries equals real-time auctions won. Learn more about Mediation.

Unrendered ads

These are impressions that were won at auction, but didn't serve (and also weren't billed) because the publisher didn't display them or there was an error.

Loaded but not rendered

This represents the number of ads that did not render.

Learn more about the possible reasons

For web creatives:

  • Publisher requests an ad and intends to show it, but the ad fails to render for some reason (for example, user navigates away, poor network connection, and so forth).

For mobile app creatives:

  • Publisher pre-fetches an ad (for example, to decrease ad loading time) but doesn’t show it.

For video creatives:

  • Publisher pre-fetches an ad before an ad break, but the ad never has a chance to play.
  • Publisher sets an ad as a fallback ad. Learn more about Video fallback.
  • Publisher requests an ad, but the ad fails to render due to faulty publisher implementation.
  • Publisher requests an ad and intends to show it, but the ad fails to render for some reason (for example, user navigates away, poor network connection, and so forth).Fatal VAST errors

Fatal VAST errors

Publisher requests an ad, but the ad fails to render due to a VAST error. Learn more about VAST video errors.

Rendered ads

The total number of times an ad was displayed.

Not billed

These impressions were won but not billed. This can happen when impressions are not displayed by the publisher, fail to render due to VAST errors, or are determined to be invalid traffic.

Invalid Impressions

Traffic quality filtering determined these impressions to be invalid.

Ad impressions

Total number of times an ad resulted in a billable impression.

Not counted as viewable

Total Impressions that were measured by Active View and not considered viewable, or not measured by Active View. When ads are rendered by a third-party SDK, all ad impressions will be shown as "Not viewable" because the impressions are not measured by Active View.  Viewability enables you to make smarter bidding decisions.

Viewable ad impressions

Ads are considered viewable based on display and video viewability criteria.


* This may be less than the inventory matches due to quota limitations and/or a callout rate below 100% or larger than inventory matches due to flattening/pods.
** If there was more than one bid per response, the sum of bids and responses without bids will total more than successful responses.
Disclaimer: The numbers provided in RTB breakout may be subject to sampling or other variance.

Next steps

If you've found all configurations to be accurate and have questions about RTB breakout data, contact your account manager or use the contact us form.

Learn how to view real-time bidding activity data using RTB Breakout.

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