May 2020


GDPR IAB Transparency & Consent Framework (TCF v2)

The IAB Europe has decided to change the switchover date from IAB TCF V1.0 to V2.0 from June 30th to August 15th, 2020 (blogpost). Google is committed to supporting our customers who choose to integrate with the IAB TCF V2.0. Our plan continues to be to align our product support timeline as close as possible to the date of the IAB’s full switchover (August 15) to ensure a critical mass of vendors are ready to support V2 and minimize disruption for our customers.

To better prepare Authorized Buyers we’ve pushed the external help center live, refreshed the internal comms doc based on the latest changes, and are awaiting approvals for templated email messaging to assist in communicating these changes. Learn more

Bid Translation Service will not be supported soon

If you still rely on the Bid Translation Service to bid in the First Price auction, we strongly encourage you to start developing the capability to bid in the First Price auction yourself since we will be deprecating the Bid Translation Service in June 2020, and the use_bid_translation_service field in the bid response will be ignored.

Authorized Buyers changes to Cooking Matching

Starting June 1st, 2020 as part of our ongoing commitment to protect user data we will only be supporting a Google-hosted cookie match table beginning in California. This means we will no longer be supporting partner hosted cookie match tables in California. Any Authorized Buyer or Open Bidder who isn’t using a Google-hosted cookie match table will see heavy interruptions to their match rates and should take immediate action to migrate. An MSA will be sent to all Authorized Buyers to inform them of these changes accordingly. Learn more

Google User ID removal

Starting July 1, 2020, we will be removing Google User ID (“google_user_id” for the Google protocol / “” for OpenRTB) from RTB bid requests originating from users in California as part of our efforts to further strengthen our protections around user data. As part of this change, any pretargeting configurations that require the Google User ID to be present (the option “Google user ID present" is selected in the pretargeting UI) will stop matching bid requests for users that Google determines are in California after July 1, 2020.

Interface updates

Launch of Offline Spam metrics in Query Tool

We are excited to announce the general availability of additional spam cost transparency metrics in the Query Tool. These metrics have been added to provide increased transparency  into spam credits granted to bidders. We expect bidders to use these metrics to improve their ability to reimburse their customers for spend that has been deemed invalid. The new metrics are:  IVT credited impressions, Cost of IVT credited impressions, Billed impressions, and Cost of billed impressions. Learn More

Real-time bidding updates

Child level pretargeting will not be supported soon

At the end of June 2020, we will be deprecating the Child level pretargeting UI and API and encourage you to migrate to Bidder-level pretargeting. You can learn more about the benefits of Bidder-level pretargeting as well as how to set it up in the documentation linked here.

Policy updates


In June 2018, the California (CA) legislature passed a bill that created the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). CCPA is a new data privacy law that applies to certain businesses that collect the personal information of CA residents. CCPA went into effect on January 1, 2020. It is expected to become enforceable on July 1, 2020, or six months after the Attorney General of California publishes implementing regulations, whichever comes first. The Authorized Buyers and Open Bidding services will operate as Service Providers by default for queries originating from users in California. Buyers/bidders do not need to make any changes for this behavior to be applied. Learn more

Automated reviews in Russia and China

Automated review is now supported in both Russia and China for Authorized Buyers. This means, rather than being held for manual review, all creatives will be scanned for policy and legal violations in those regions. Any passing creatives will be able to serve as soon as they’re scanned, meaning good creatives will no longer be stuck in long review queues. Further, we’ve removed the spend quota in Russia. Note that any blank creatives will be rejected, as we need to be able to scan these creatives to understand if they pass local regulation. Familiarize yourself with policies in these countries, and bid away.

Training updates

Authorized Buyers 101

Grow your know-how with Skillshop, an interactive training website that’s designed to quickly get you up to speed. Learn more

Authorized Buyers 201

Build on your foundational knowledge by digging deeper into making and optimizing Programmatic Guaranteed deals and buying media across the array of inventory options available to Authorized Buyers. Learn more


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