When you search for a hotel on Google, you may see a class rating for the property. Class ratings range between 1-5 stars and can be used to refine your search. They are located after review ratings in each hotel summary. Please note that these 2 ratings are different.
Google gathers data for class ratings from a variety of sources, including third-party partners, direct research, feedback from hoteliers, and machine learning inference that examines and evaluates hotel attributes, such as price, location, room size, and amenities. A 2-star hotel may have modest rooms and economy pricing, while a 4-star hotel might feature upscale decor, a dedicated concierge, 24-hour room service, and luxury amenities such as bathrobes and minibars.
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Hotels that do not show a class rating have not yet been evaluated by Google. If you are a hotelier and have a question or would like to provide feedback on your property’s class rating let us know by contacting us.