These steps help you set up ads and placements for in-stream audio, in-stream video or VPAID creatives. For general help with assignments, learn about the assignments workflow in Campaign Manager 360.
Remember that any changes you make to an ad or creative already associated with a placement will automatically be reflected in your pre-fetch tags.
Step 1: Set up your creativesMake sure you have all the in-stream or VPAID creatives you need.
If you set up your creatives in your advertiser and haven't added them to your campaign yet, open your campaign and click New > Add from advertiser.
In your campaign, click New > Placement. Choose a site for your placement and complete your placement setup.
If you can't find a site you need, follow these steps.
Special considerations:
Set the “Duration” and “Orientation” in your placement properties to create a duration-orientation requirement that will allow you to assign your creatives to the same default ad. For ads with multiple placements, each respective placement will serve the respective creative that matches its duration-orientation requirement.
Set the "Compatibility" in your placement properties to In-stream audio or In-stream video based on the creative type.
Note that only pre-fetch tags are available as tag defaults for in-stream placements. This means that the only tag type that Campaign Manager 360 will automatically generate for your placement is pre-fetch.
Use the "In-stream video settings" section to set orientation, companion creatives, skip buttons, and transcodes for in-stream video and VPAID creatives assigned to your placement.
In your campaign, select the placements where you want to serve your audio or video assets. Select each checkbox.
Click Assignments > Edit ad assignments. Complete the assignment workflow. Campaign Manager 360 will automatically create ads for your creatives. If you need help making assignments, see our assignments guide.
If you already have ads for your creatives, select creatives with the respective duration-orientation requirements, then click Assignments > Assign to placements and assign these ads to your placements.
Open each ad to finish your ad setup:
Set the rest of your ad properties in each ad. You can assign a creative rotation here if there are multiple creatives, including optimizing the rotation based on audio or video completions.
Make sure you set landing pages for your primary asset, backup asset (for VPAID linear), and any companion ads. To set these landing pages, open the "Creative assignments" section of your ads and check the "Landing page" and "Companion landing page" columns.
You're now ready to download tags for your placements, or send your tags to publishers for payment approval (if the publisher will pay the ad-serving fees).
In your campaign view, click Tags > Download tags or Tags > Send tags, depending on your needs. See our tag export guide for help.