Configure Your Enablement Tasks
- From home screen, select the Enablement Tab
- Click on the Enablement Tasks are pending link
- Select necessary pending tasks for completion
- Choose one of the following routing methods for Electronic Order Routing and Electronic Invoice Routing:
- Online
- cXML
- Fax
- cXML pending queue (available for Order routing only)
Method Details
- Online (Default): Orders are received within your AN account, but notifications are not sent out
- Email (Recommended): Email notifications are sent out, and can include a copy of the PO, when orders are received within your AN Account
- Fax: Notifications of new orders are sent via Facsimile, and can include a copy of the PO as well as a cover sheet
- cXML/EDI: Allows you to integrate your ERP system directly with Ariba Network for transacting with your customer. Please contact Ariba to be connected with a Seller Integrator who will provide more information on configuration