Create a credit memo against an entire invoice
To create a credit memo against an entire invoice:
- Select the ORDERS tab
- Select the PO to be credited by clicking the radio button on the PO
- Click on Create Invoice and choose Credit Memo OR select Credit Memo from the Actions dropdown menu
- Complete information in the form of Credit Memo (the amount and taxes will automatically be negative). Make sure that all required fields marked with asterisks are filled in
- Click Next
- Review Credit Memo
- Click Submit
Create a line level credit memo against an invoice
To create a line level credit memo against an invoice:
- Select the INVOICES tab
- Select your previously created invoice
- Click the button on the Invoice screen for Create Line -Item Credit Memo
Important: Please be sure to include line description and PO line numbers where applicable.
- Complete information in the form of Credit Memo (the amount and taxes will automatically be negative). Make sure that all required fields marked with asterisks (*) are filled in
- Click Next
- Review Credit Memo
- Click Submit