How to set up multi-org

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Invoice consolidation

Ariba offers invoice consolidation and synchronization for customers with several accounts

  • Fees will be invoiced only to the parent account with the payment cycle synchronized for the entire group.
  • The parent account will receive one single invoice every three months for all customer relationships and for all linked accounts.
  • This consolidation is related only to invoices issued by Ariba to the supplier, the business operations of each account are still independent.
Guidelines & Set Up
  • The supplier needs to designate a Parent ANID under which the invoice will be viewed.
  • The selection of the parent ANID determines the currency of the Multi-org invoice and the billing dates.
  • The supplier should also have confirmed list of child ANID’s to be included on the invoice.
  • A Multi-Org is NOT:
    • A way to merge accounts
    • A way to get a discount on Transaction Fees.

Structure Your Multi -Org:

  1. Register all accounts which will be included in the Multi -Org.
  2. Create a list of all ANIDs and designate the parent account.
  3. Wait until the first ANID becomes chargeable.
  4. Contact Customer Support through the Help Center and inform them of your need for the Multi Org.
Link Accounts Via an Account Hierarchy

Linkage between individual accounts for account management purposes

The administrator of the Parent account can log into the child account and take the following actions:

  • Change settings on the child account and complete the company profile
  • Publish catalogs
  • Check the status of payment for the Ariba invoice and pay the invoice
  • Upgrade to a higher Subscription package
The administrator of the Parent account cannot take following actions:
  • View buyers on the Child account
  • Create any documents (PO confirmations, Ship Notices, Invoices)
  • Run Reports
Create an Account Hierarchy
  1. Click on the user initials (profile) on the top right corner and click on Link User IDs
  2. Within the Link User IDs section, Two boxes will appear:
    1. APPROVAL NEEDED - when the user of the accounts are different: Add the Username of the user of Account that you want to link. And click on Send Link Request
    2. NO APPROVAL NEEDED - when the user of the accounts is the same person: Enter the details of the account which you would like to link with. And click on Link Accounts.
  3. On the next page log in if you are the Administrator of the account
    If you are not the Administrator of the account, you can send a request as a Non Administrator to the Administrator through an online form.
  4. Once the request is confirmed by a child account administrator, the name of the linked account is displayed on the Account Hierarchy page
Set Up a Test Account

This feature will allow you to set up a test account in order to test the multi org setup. This is not required in order to set up multi-orgs.

  1. To set up your Test Account, you need to be on the tabular view of your Ariba Network Production Account.
  2. Click your name in top right corner and then select Switch to Test ID.
    The Switch To Test Account button is only available to the account Administrator. The administrator can create test account usernames for all other users needing access to the test account.
  3. Click OK when the Ariba Network displays a warning indicating You are about to switch to Test Mode.
  4. Create a Username and Password for your test account and click OK. You will be transferred to your test account.
    Your Test account should be configured to match your Production account. This will ensure the testing results are consistent with what will result in Production. Once you have set up your test account, you are ready to receive a test purchase order.
    Note: Test account transactions are free of charge.
  5. The Network will always display which mode you are logged into: Production or Test.
    Your Test account ID has the suffix  -T appended to your Ariba Network ID (ANID).

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