Coming soon: April 1, 2024 edition

See what's coming to Display & Video 360 over the next few weeks 

“Global site tag” renamed to “Google tag”

The global site tag (gtag.js) is now the Google tag. All references to “Global site tag” will be named to “Google tag” to be consistent with terminology used in Google Ads.

New source for mobile app inventory

Display & Video 360 will soon have a new “app mediation partners” inventory source available for direct targeting. This will allow more access to mobile app inventory across third-party mobile app mediation partners, such as AdMost, AppLovin MAX, Chartboost Mediation, DT Fairbid, TopOn, and Unity LevelPlay. Learn more about app mediation partners.

Targeting this inventory is fully optional. If you currently target the Google Ad Manager exchange, or have selected “target new exchanges”, then you will automatically be opted into targeting app mediation partners. To opt out, you can deselect “app mediation partners”.

In April 2024, Display & Video 360 will begin charging a fee for inventory purchased via app mediation partners. Customers will need to accept the fee via a checkbox. Customers who do not accept the fee will be automatically opted out from targeting app mediation partners and will not be charged.


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