Assigned advertisers listed in Floodlight Configuration ID picker
Users will be able to see the associated advertisers for given Floodlight configuration IDs in the Floodlight configuration filter picker. By adding the advertisers associated with each Floodlight configuration ID to the filter picker, users will be able to easily identify the correct Floodlight Configuration ID to select when setting up a Floodlight related report.
In-line YouTube ads previews
When creating a YouTube ad, advertisers will soon be able to preview their video creatives in different formats across various surfaces for their YouTube & partners line items. Preview live changes to your ad to decide how your assets will render across various devices and surfaces.
New Cross Media Reach reports metrics
“Unique Reach: TV Campaign Reach”, “Unique Reach: TV Campaign Exclusive Cross Media Reach”, and “Unique Reach: Impression Reach (Co-viewed)” will be available in Cross-Media Reach reports.