Coming soon: Reporting updates in August and September 2019

Campaign Manager

Audience performance report dimensions deprecation

The following dimensions will be removed from Campaign Manager reporting, including scheduled reports and the  Reporting and Trafficking API. The Display & Video 360 Audience Performance Report will not be affected.

  • User List
  • User List ID
  • User List Description
  • User List Current Size 
  • User List Membership Life Span

Twitter and social metrics renaming

The following Twitter specific metrics will be renamed in Campaign Manager Reporting, including scheduled reports and the Reporting and Trafficking API. This is being done so the metrics will apply  to social media more generally. 

Campaign Manager Reporting

Old name New name
Email Shares Shares (External)
Other Twitter Engagement Other Social Interactions
Retweets Shares (Internal)

Reporting and Trafficking API

Old name New Name
dfa:socialEmailShares dfa:socialSharesExternal
dfa:twitterOtherEngagements dfa:socialOtherEngagements
dfa:twitterRetweets dfa:socialSharesInternal


  • Scheduled reports will automatically remove the deprecated dimensions or reflect the new metric names.
  • API reports created with the deprecated dimensions or old metric names will return errors. 

Display & Video 360

Authorized Seller State dimension values change

To align with the ads.txt targeting options, the values returned by the Authorized Seller State dimension will change.

Old values New values
  • Authorized
  • Ineligible 
  • Non-Participating Publishers
  • Authorized Direct Seller
  • Authorized Reseller
  • Ineligible 
  • Non-Participating Publishers

Active View: Avg Viewable Time metric behavior change

Active View: Average Viewable Time (Seconds) in DV360 reporting returns will return values in seconds (new behavior) as opposed to milliseconds (old behavior).


  • Scheduled reports and API reports with the metric or dimension will still run. The dimension or metric will just return the new values.

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