Preview & export class templates & classwork

This article is for teachers.

You can access other teachers’ classes in Google Classroom if they’ve shared the class preview link with you. When you receive a class that displays a link to another teacher’s class, you:

  • Can preview a live, up-to-date version of the class’s Classwork page.
  • Can import materials you want to use for new and existing classes.
  • Can’t see the class roster, gradebook, comments, and attachments assigned by the "Students can edit" setting to protect student data.
  • Can only view classwork if it’s assigned.

Preview materials from a shared class

Important: You can only open a preview link to a shared class if you’re:

To preview materials from a shared class, in your browser, open the shared class preview link.

  • A preview of the shared class displays the:
    • Class title, owner, and section
    • Classwork items, such as grade category and posted and due dates
  • Expanded classwork items displays their:
    • Assignment points and rubric
    • Attachments
    • Description
    • Posted date

Tip: You can preview attachments, which opens in “Projector view.”

Export class materials from a shared class

Export to a new class

  1. While you preview the shared class, select the classwork items you want to export to a new class.
    • Select or deselect all classwork items: Click Select all.
    • Select all items under a topic: Check the box next to a topic.
    • Select or deselect specific classwork items: Click the individual checkbox next to each classwork item.
  2. At the top right, click Export classwork.
  3. Click New class.
  4. Enter the new class details.
  5. Click Create.
  6. To open the new class in a new tab, click View class.

Export to an existing class

  1. While you preview the shared class, select the classwork items you want to export to a class that already exists.
    • Select or deselect all classwork items: Check or uncheck Select all.
    • Select all items under a topic: Check the box next to a topic.
    • Select or deselect specific classwork items: Click the individual checkbox next to each classwork item.
  2. At the top right, click Export classwork.
  3. Click the class you want to export the items to.
  4. Click Export.
  5. To open the class you exported to, click View class.


  • When you export classwork to a new or existing class, all exported classwork items appear as “Drafts.”
  • Exported classwork items are copies. When you modify an exported classwork item, it doesn't impact the original source classwork.
  • When you export classwork to an active class, exported classwork items display above existing classwork items.
  • Classwork items and topics appear in the same order they were originally in.
  • When a class has imported content, you can find:
    • An “Importing classwork” notification on the class card.
    • A banner in the class explaining that classwork is imported. Classwork items are grayed out until they finish importing.
  • General classwork item settings, such as rubrics and point values, are copied. Grading settings aren’t copied.
  • The time it takes to export classwork depends on the size of materials you select.

Tips for common error messages

You need access
  • When you open a class shared with you but you can’t access it, these issues may have occurred:
    • You’re not a verified teacher. Learn how to be a verified teacher.
    • You’re not in the same organization as the teacher who shared the class preview link with you.
    • You’re currently enrolled as a student in the shared class.
    • The class was deleted.
    • A teacher in the class turned sharing off.
Exporting failed
  • Classes can have a maximum of 200 topics.

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