Work with a doc assigned to you

This article is for students.

If your teacher assigned a document to you as part of an assignment, you can open it in Classroom, work on it, and then turn it in. When you turn in the assignment, your teacher sees the document labeled with your name. If you need to start over, you can remove the document from your submission, create a new copy, and resubmit when you’re done. 

Work on your personal document

  1. Tap Classroom Classroom app.
  2. Tap the classand thenClassworkand thenthe assignment or question. 
  3. On the Your work card, tap Expand .
  4. Tap your document to open it.
  5. At the top, tap Edit and thenenter your changesand thenin the top-right corner, tap Save.
    For more instructions, such as how to add other files, go to Turn in an assignment or Answer a question.

Remove your personal document and create a new copy

This feature is not available in the iOS version of Classroom. Click Computer or Android for the instructions.

If you tap Remove  on iOS, you delete your personal copy. You’ll have to ask your teacher for another copy.

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