Equipment disposal policy and guidelines

When upgrading or changing your GFiber service, you may need to exchange or return equipment. If a technician is visiting your home to help with the service change, they can usually help you properly dispose of any equipment. 

To ensure proper disposal and recycling, please follow the steps below:

  1. Return any equipment when requested to do so: You’ll receive an email detailing which devices (and their serial numbers) need to be returned and how to return them. Please follow the instructions in the email to start the return process.
  2. Recycle other equipment: If you are not required to return a device, you can keep it and continue to use it as long as it's compatible with your existing home network and equipment. If you decide to dispose of it, please recycle it responsibly (see table below).

Recyclable devices

Below, you’ll find a list of the devices that you may recycle as long as you are not asked to return them in your confirmation email. By following these guidelines, you can help make sure that your equipment is recycled responsibly and contributes to a more sustainable future.


Additional information

Disposal Guidelines

Network Box

Follow the disposal guidelines located in the column to the right to properly recycle your Network Box.

Review the EPA guidelines or contact your local waste management agency.

Additional devices purchased for a one-time charge (e.g. GFiber Mesh Extenders)


Although you’re not required to return devices that you’ve purchased for a one-time charge (such as extra Mesh Extenders), you will be required to return any GFiber devices that were included in your plan for free. You’ll receive an email with more information about which devices you need to return.

GFiber Mesh Extenders won’t be compatible with other internet service providers. You can return any additional purchased devices if you’d like to.


Alternatively, you can review the EPA guidelines or contact your local waste management agency if you’d like to dispose of them.


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