Text assets combine headlines, long headlines, a final URL, descriptions, display URLs, business names and a call to action in unique variations to help you reach your campaign goals. You can build an asset group with text assets to share information about your product or service, direct people to your landing page, encourage a specific call to action and more.
Text asset specifications
Type | Minimum Requirement | Recommended | Maximum | |
Headlines | 3 headlines | 11 headlines | 15 headlines, 30 characters each | |
Long headline | 1 headline | 2 headlines | 5 headlines, 90 characters each | |
Descriptions | 3 descriptions | 4 descriptions | 5 descriptions, 90 characters each | |
Business name |
1 name |
1 name |
1 name, 25 characters |
Call to action |
1 call to action |
1 call to action |
Length is automated |
Final URL |
Not required | 1 URL |
2,048 characters |
Display URL path |
2 URLs |
1 URL |
2 URLS, 15 characters each |
After you upload your assets, be sure to monitor how they’re performing. Wait about two to three weeks to check on your ad strength and asset group status, then evaluate if you need to replace low-performing assets. Learn more about Asset group best practices.
Asset report
The asset report lists each asset used in a Performance Max campaign and allows you to compare performance across a variety of assets. You’ll need to set up a Performance Max campaign to view your asset report. Learn more About asset reporting in Performance Max.