Move from Target CPA to Target ROAS and change conversion goal (account level optimization)

At the account level, change to a new conversion goal or modify the composition of the existing conversion goal (add or remove conversion actions as primary).

Recommended steps

A number 1 icon with a blue round border. Identify the new or existing conversion goal you will be setting as your account level goal.

  1. a. If creating a new conversion goal, create a new conversion action and categorize it to the new conversion goal. Don't set your conversion goal as account default yet.
  2. b. If you are changing the composition of an existing conversion goal (add or remove conversion actions), ensure the conversion category is the same as the existing goal. Don’t set the conversion action as primary yet.
  3. c. Ensure everything is configured and reporting values correctly before moving to step #2.

This icon is the number 2 in a red circle. Based on your selection in #1 above:

  1. a. Change to the new conversion goal (set as account level default) or
  2. b. Change composition of conversion goal (add or remove conversion actions as primary)

This icon is the number 3 in a yellow circle. Continue using Target CPA for approximately 3 conversion cycles (or 4 weeks) while Smart Bidding trains on the reported conversion values.

  1. a. Mitigate performance fluctuations by adjusting CPA targets.
  2. b. Gradual target changes are recommended. However, if there is a significant difference in conversion rate and volume consider larger target changes.

This icon is the number 4 in a red circle. Switch to Target ROAS, using the previous 4 week historical ROAS (excluding conversion delay) to determine your target.

A number 5 icon with a blue round border. Smart Bidding will adjust to the new target over the next 2-3 conversion cycles. Adjust ROAS targets and/or budgets to manage performance.

A diagram that shows conversion cycles (Part 1).

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