Conversion values

About conversion values

Conversion values help you measure and optimize the true business impact of your ad campaigns more accurately. If you assign values to your conversions, you'll be able to learn the total business value that Google Ads generated, rather than simply the number of conversions that have happened. You'll also be able to identify and focus on high-value conversions.


Conversion values help you track and optimize your campaigns' return on investment (ROI).

You can use the Target (ROAS) bid strategy to help maximize your conversion value, such as sales revenue or profit margins, while trying to achieve your target return on ad spend (ROAS).

If you don't have a specific return on ad spend target, you can use the Maximize conversion value bid strategy to maximize the total conversion value of your campaign within your specified daily budget.

Here are some other benefits of using conversion values:

Better insight: You can measure the total conversion value generated by your campaigns' conversions. This also helps you track your campaigns' ROI by using the "Conversion value/cost" column. You can use this data to identify keywords, ad groups, and campaigns that show a high or low return on investment and manually change bids, budgets, and targeting.

Smarter bidding: Automated bid strategies use the conversion values you set up to automatically set bids to optimize for your performance goals across specific campaigns, ad groups, and keywords.

  • With Target ROAS, bids are set to maximize conversion value, such as sales revenue or profit margins, while trying to achieve your target return on ad spend (ROAS).
  • With Maximize conversion value, bids for each auction are optimized to maximize conversion value.

Set up conversion value measurement

Before you can use conversion value measurement for insights or Smart Bidding, you’d need to set up conversion value measurement:

Measure different values for each conversion Measure the same value for each conversion

It is more representative of actual values of a transaction, but can require more work to set up. You might want to use transaction-specific conversion values for your business if each of your sales has a different conversion value.

For example, if you sell multiple products that vary in price, or if you offer different services at different price points, you should use different values for each conversion. To do this, you'll need to add dynamic values to your tracking code. This will allow you to record a unique value for each conversion. If you don't add this code, the default value you enter will be used for all conversions.

It is easier to set up but may be less representative of different values of each transaction. You might want to use conversion values that are the same to roughly distinguish several conversion actions from each other.

Learn how to measure different values for each conversion

Learn how to measure the same value for each conversion

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