About uploading your own display ads

The Google Display Network contains more than 2 million websites, videos, and apps, and is designed to help you find the right audience. This article will help you determine if uploading your own image ads is the right way for you to show your ads on the Display Network.


Uploaded ads are created outside of Google Ads, using a tool like Google Web Designer, and can be uploaded as a .zip file, GIF, JPG, or PNG into Google Ads. 

When you build and upload your own image ads, you have complete control of the creatives for your Display Network campaigns.

Google Ads supports the following uploaded ad types: Image (e.g. GIF, JPG, PNG), AMPHTML, and HTML5.

Note: If you need to make edits to an existing uploaded HTML5 ad, you will need to re-upload it as a new ad with its own set of reports.

Benefits of uploaded ads

When you create your own ads in Google Web Designer, you have complete control over how your ads appear. You can develop these ads yourself using templates to decide how best to combine your different images, text, and logos. You can link these ads to a feed for dynamic remarketing.

Uploaded HTML5 ads can also be made responsive by specifying how you want your ads to be resized across the Google Display Network. Learn more about the specifications of responsive uploaded ads

Note: Because uploaded ads are created outside of Google Ads, they will not be able to run in all parts of the Display inventory like responsive display ads do. 

Using Google Web Designer

Google Web Designer can be used to set rules to make your uploaded HTML5 ads responsive, meaning that Google will present your ads so they look appropriate in many different sizes and aspect ratios (for example, adjusting your ad to appear in landscape or portrait). Learn more about using Google Web Designer

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