View performance statistics

To download and view all performance statistics for a campaign, such as clickthrough rate, cost, position, and conversion information, follow the steps below.

Download and view statistics

  1. Click View statistics in the toolbar. If you've recently downloaded statistics, the button says Statistics: along with the date range.
  2. Click Get Statistics.
  3. Choose the date range, either by selecting from the drop-down or putting in specific dates.
  4. Pick the accounts, campaigns, or ad groups that you want statistics for, and then select the types of statistics you want to view.
  5. Click OK.
  6. Once you've downloaded statistics for a particular date range, you can view data for that date range again by clicking Statistics and choosing the date range.


You can schedule downloads to get recent changes, both basic and more data, as well as stats.

Sort statistics or change columns

To sort by a particular metric, click the column header in the data view. For example, to sort by cost, click the Cost column header.

How to choose columns for your data view:

To add or remove columns from the data view, right-click the column header and check a column to add it or uncheck the column to remove it from the data view. More on sorting the data view

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