When you post changes to an account, campaigns marked as draft are not posted with the rest of your changes. This makes them a great method for trying out experimental changes and campaign settings without worrying about the changes accidentally being posted to your Google Ads account. You can create a draft campaign at any time. You can also change the status of any unposted campaign to "Draft."
Create a draft campaign
- In the type list, select Campaigns.
- In the data view, click Add campaign.
- In the edit panel, change the campaign status to Draft campaign.
- Enter the campaign name and budget.
- Optional: Edit the other campaign settings.
Change a new, unposted campaign to a draft campaign
- In the type list, select Campaigns.
- Select one or more campaigns that have never been posted. Once you post a campaign as active, paused, or removed, it isn't possible to change it back to a draft campaign.
- In the edit panel, change your status to Draft. Draft campaigns are marked [Draft] in the tree view.
- Draft campaigns are marked [Draft] in the tree view.
- You can change the status of a draft campaign any time to active or paused.
- Once you post a campaign as active or paused, it isn't possible to change it back to a draft campaign.
Related links
- Learn how to edit campaign settings.
- Find out how to pause, remove, or resume campaigns.