Troubleshooting shop visits reporting
This troubleshooter will help you answer questions related to reporting fluctuations for shop visits.
Before you begin
- Shop visits reporting may fluctuate from time to time because shop visits reflect a modelled estimate of customer behaviour. Customer behaviour can change throughout the year. Changes like seasonality or current events may affect traffic to your shop.
- Our model incorporates new data regularly to provide accurate reporting for your shop visits. This means that you may view shop visit values for recent days change as the model collects updated information.
- There is a standard reporting delay for shop visits, which means that you may view zero conversions for up to five working days. Shop visits are reported based on the day of the interaction, but it may take some time for the actual visits to occur and for the model to report your visits accurately.
- Visits are attributed to ad interactions such as clicks or impressions. This means that visits are reported by ad click or impression date, not the eventual visit date.
- We always recommend that you look at the shop visits data after the conversion window has passed, as the recent data within the conversion window can still change over time while more people continue to visit your shop.
This troubleshooter helps you in solving issues related to shop visits reporting. More specifically, if shop visits were reported previously in your account, but there are issues with it now.
This troubleshooter is not for you, if your account has never reported shop visits. Learn more About shop visits conversions and how to become eligible.
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