Evaluate your promotional content performance

Note: Promotional content is available for apps that meet our eligibility criteria for premium growth tools.

You can evaluate the impact of your promotional content in two ways:

  • Promotional content overview page: View a summary of your promotional content's total impact, acquisition uplift from featuring, and a breakdown of individual event performance.
  • Promotional content reports: Generate reports to understand event impact, audience engagement, and inform future events.

Learn more about creating promotional content.

Promotional content overview

To see the overall impact of your promotional content, visit the Events page (Grow > Store performance > Promotional content).

Overall performance

Two scorecards present an overview of the performance of promotional content over the last 28 days. Each scorecard displays the data for the most recent day.

  • Total unique viewers: This scorecard displays the total number of unique Google Play users who saw your promotional content card each day over the past 28 days.
  • Total unique converters: This scorecard shows the total number of unique users who clicked Open, Update, or Install on your promotional content card each day over the past 28 days.

The scorecard can be expanded to show a rolling time series of unique viewers and converters. Each day's value represents the sum of the preceding 28 days.

Acquisition uplift from featuring

Featuring uplift helps you understand how featured events drive user acquisition. It shows the extra acquisitions you gain when featuring leads to your promotional content and your title being shown more prominently across Play. This uplift metric is shown in two places on Promotional content overview page:

Featuring uplift scorecard

At the top of the Events page, you may see a featuring uplift scorecard. This scorecard highlights the number of additional users who installed your app or game specifically because your events were featured. It summarizes the uplift for up to 6 of your most recent featured events. The scorecard only appears when featuring leads to a statistically significant increase in acquisitions. This ensures that the results are reliable and not due to random chance.

How is featuring uplift calculated?

Featuring uplift is based on a holdback where each promotional content card is held back from a very small portion of users. We then measure the uplift in acquisitions over the period of featuring (typically between 7 and 14 days) for the group who saw a title being featured versus the group of users in the holdback who did not see the title or promotional content being featured. Comparing these two groups provides the uplift in acquisitions.

View example screenshot

If you see a scorecard, click View impact to access the Store analysis page (Store > Store performance > Store analysis). A time window is pre-selected to include all featured events that drove the additional acquisitions. Each event is highlighted in orange on the chart, allowing you to visualize its impact on user acquisition.

The uplift scorecard aggregates the acquisition uplift across all individual events. To determine the acquisition uplift for a specific event, refer to the annotations on the event featuring chart (more below).

Event featuring chart annotations

If you wish to see the number of additional users a single featured event delivered, you can do this by viewing the annotations and orange shaded areas on promotional content charts. The time period during which an event is featured is shown in shaded orange and is marked "Featured on Google Play." Included in the annotation is the event name(s) and acquisition uplift numbers if there is statistically significant result.


"Great news – because Valentine's Super Sale was high-quality, high-priority promotional content, your app was eligible to be shown to more users while it was running. This drove 564,331 additional acquisitions. Learn more."

This featuring uplift is based on the same holdback that is used for the featuring uplift scorecard.

Click View impact to access the Store analysis page (Store > Store performance > Store analysis) and visualize the event's impact on user acquisition.

Event performance

You can find a table listing all your events on the Promotional content overview page. This is divided into events that are in draft, scheduled to go live or are currently live, and previous events that have either finished or been canceled. Each event displays the count of unique viewers and converters. These events can be sorted based on either of these metrics.

Promotional content reports

To analyze the impact of specific events, compare their performance and identify how to optimize events you visit the Promotional content reports page (Grow > Store performance > Promotional content reports).

Selecting events

When accessing promotional content reports from a specific event, that event is automatically selected. Otherwise, when you access the Promotional content reports page, it displays a set of pre-selected events. The default starting point includes up to five events that are currently ongoing or have recently concluded. You can remove events or add additional ones to your analysis.

When you click on +Event, you'll see a list of your events to choose from. To narrow down your options, you can filter these events by Event type or Target audience.
Click + Country to filter your report to specific countries or regions that you’re interested in. If you select any countries or regions where your event wasn’t available, you’ll see a warning.

Event views

You can view events within two time periods:

  • 28-day rolling: This metric displays the cumulative totals for the previous 28 days from each date. It is accessible for all events and offers that run for more than 28 days, including those that run indefinitely.
  • Daily: This metric shows data generated by users on each day that an event was running.

You can select multiple events to compare or view their aggregated performance. However, if you select 10 or more events, you will only be able to see their aggregated performance.


The first charts in the report give you an overview of your event’s performance. They cover:

  • Viewers: The number of users on Google Play who saw a card or details page for your event
  • Converters: The number of users who convert by clicking Open, Update, or Install on your event
  • Conversion rate: The proportion of viewers who convert (converters/viewers)


Outcomes features two tabs: Events performance and Uplift.

Events performance

The Events performance tab provides a breakdown of viewers, converters and conversion rate by install, update or open, and by country. This provides a clear view of how effective your content is at driving user engagement.

The prompt that users see on your event cards and details page changes depending on whether they have your app installed:

  • A user who doesn’t have your app installed sees Install.
  • A user with an old version of your app sees Update.
  • A user who has the latest version of your app on their device sees Open or Play.

The Events performance table shows how well your event performed with each of these three types of user and allows you to understand how it drives your user acquisition and engagement. You can click through to a detailed per-day and per-country breakdown for each of these types of user from the table.


Evaluate how your event performed in different countries and regions by comparing converters and conversion rates per country. This information is available for each user type by clicking through from the event performance table.


The Uplift tab shows the uplift in engagement (measured by active days) of the promotional content events that you have selected. This data can help you evaluate and compare the direct impact that your promotional content has on users who see it on Google Play, and the effectiveness in driving engagement of the in-app content, offer or event that the promotional content was referring to. However, it may not include all other beneficial effects of running content, such as your app’s visibility being boosted while running a high-priority piece of content and your app and content quality being high.

Notes about uplift data

Promotional content uplift metrics are based on a holdback where each promotional content card is held back from a very small portion of users. We then measure the uplift in engagement over the following 28 days for the group who saw the promotional content card versus the group of users in the holdback who did not see the promotional content card. Comparing these two groups provides the uplift in engagement. The metric that we provide is:

  • Active days: The number of days that users who saw your promotional content were active in your app. This is calculated by comparing the average number of active days from the experiment group who saw your promotional content cards to the control group who didn't see your promotional content cards. This is shown as a percentage change.

Here are some important things to note when evaluating your uplift data:

  • Conclusive outcome: The data shows that your promotional content had a statistically significant impact on this metric. This is based on a 95% confidence level, meaning that there is a 5% or less chance that the real impact is out of bounds of the stated one.
  • Inconclusive outcome: We can’t confidently say your promotional content had an impact on the metric, based on a 95% confidence level.
  • Insufficient data: Your event did not generate enough data to show conclusive results based on a 95% confidence interval. This may be because it did not perform well, or was seen by too few users.
  • Comparison: When comparing multiple events, uplift data is only available for the comparison view, not the aggregated view. This means that you can only see the uplift for each event individually, not for the group of events as a whole. This is because uplift is calculated by comparing the control group and the treatment group of a specific promotional content element or event.

Comparison: When comparing multiple events, the primary event to display can be changed. This will alter the scorecard number and the upper and lower bounds that are plotted on the chart.

Evaluate your data

Here are some important things to note when evaluating your data:

  • Data in this report is available from 8 September 2021. Any events that ended before this date are not available to view. Events that started before this date will have incomplete data.
  • This report covers users, not impressions. So, if a user sees one of your promotional content cards three times on a single day, they’ll be registered as one viewer for that day. Similarly, when plotting cumulative metrics, if they used promotional content to open your app multiple times over the period of the event, they’ll only be registered as a single converter. This allows you to easily understand how many unique users your event influenced
  • There are two main types of promotional content units shown on Google Play: those with a clear prompt to open, install or update your app; and those that have no button, or say "Learn more" and link to your event details page. To report on a useful conversion rate for which you can optimize, and to focus on the outcomes for your app, these reports only contain data for units where the call to action is present, including your event's details page.

Download data

You can download your promotional content reports data from the Promotional content reports page (Grow > Store performance > Promotional content reports) or download and export from Google Cloud storage.

Download CSV

You can click Download CSV on the Promotional content reports page (Grow > Store performance > Promotional content reports) to save a download of configured events in a CSV file. It contains the following fields:

  • Event ID: concatenated list
  • Event names: concatenated list
  • Metrics:
    • Total unique viewers (daily)
    • Total unique viewers (last 28 days)
    • Total unique converters (daily)
    • Total unique converters (last 28 days)
    • Conversion rate (daily)
    • Conversion rate (last 28 days)
  • Date:
    • The report includes data for the entire duration of the selected events, encompassing the earliest start date to the latest end date of the final event.
    • For the last 28 days of metrics, the Viewers, Converters, and Conversion Rate metrics will be available up until the date.
  • Country: For each date, a breakdown of all metrics is provided by country.

Download and export from Google Cloud storage

You can regularly export information from Google Cloud Storage by downloading reports. CSV files are created on a daily basis and aggregated into monthly files. These reports are privately stored within your Google Play Developer account's Google Cloud Storage bucket.

You can access reports using Google Cloud Storage on your browser or programmatically to allow you to build or ingest this data into your own reporting and tools.

To get started, review our developers guidelines and then you can download monthly reports for promotional content as follows:

  1. Open Play Console.
  2. Click Download reports > Statistics > Promotional content.
  3. Under "Select an application," type and select your app's name.
  4. Select the year and month of the report you want to download.
  5. Click Download.

Sum across daily metrics for the appropriate time period to create monthly, quarterly, or annual reports.

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