Evaluate your promotional content performance

Note: Promotional content is available for apps that meet our eligibility criteria for premium growth tools.

You can use reports in Play Console to evaluate how your promotional content has performed with different types of users on Google Play. This data can help you to report on the impact of your events, learn what works well with your audience, and inform your future plans.

Visit this link to learn more about promoting in-app and in-game events, offers, and sales with promotional content.

Note: Promotional content is only available to a limited set of developers. If you are interested in participating, please contact your Google Play Business development manager.

Navigate to promotional content reporting

Visit the Promotional content reports page, or navigate to your chosen app, and select Grow > Store performance > Promotional content reports in the left menu.

Set up your report

Click + Event to select which promotional content you want to generate data for. To make it easy to find a specific event, you can filter this list to types of events, search for a name, and order alphabetically or by start date.

After selecting an event, click View to select which metric to plot:

  • Daily: This shows you the data generated by users on each day your event was running.
  • Cumulative (all time): This shows you the daily cumulative totals from the start date of your event. It shows the total number of people who interacted with your event. This metric is available for all events that run for 28 days or fewer.
  • Cumulative (28-day rolling): This shows the cumulative totals for the preceding 28 days from each date. This metric is available for all events and offers that run for longer than 28 days, including ones that you run indefinitely. 

Click + Country to filter your report to specific countries or regions that you’re interested in. If you select any counties or regions where your event wasn’t available, you’ll see a warning.

Evaluate your data

Key things to note:

  • Data in this report is available from September 8, 2021. Any events that ended before this date are not available to view. Events that started before this date will have incomplete data.
  • This report covers users, not impressions. So if a user sees one of your promotional content cards three times on a single day, they’ll be registered as one viewer for that day. Similarly, when plotting cumulative metrics, if they used a promotional content to open your app multiple times over the period of the event, they’ll only be registered as a single converter. This allows you to easily understand how many unique users your event influenced.
  • There are two main types of promotional content units shown on Google Play: those with a clear call-to-action to open, install, or update your app; and those that have no button, or say “Learn more” and link to your event details page. To report on a useful conversion rate that you can optimize for, and to focus on the outcomes for your app, these reports only contain data for units where the call to action is present, including your event's details page.


The first charts in the report give you an overview of your event’s performance. They cover:

  • Viewers: The number of users on Google Play who saw a card or details page for your event. Remember, only cards where the Open, Update, or Install buttons are displayed are counted.
  • Converters: The number of users who convert by clicking on your event’s Open, Update, or Install button.
  • Conversion rate: The proportion of viewers who convert (Converters/Viewers).

Events performance

The button that users see on your event cards and detail page changes depending on whether they have your app installed:

  • A user who doesn’t have your app installed sees an Install button.
  • A user with an old version of your app sees Update. 
  • A user who has the latest version of your app on their device sees Open or Play.

The event's performance table shows how well your event performed with each of these three types of user and allows you to understand how it drives your user acquisition and engagement. You can click through to a detailed per-day and per-country breakdown for each of these types of user from the table.


Evaluate how your event performed in different countries and regions by comparing converters and conversion rates per country. This information is additionally available for each user type by clicking through from the event performance table above.

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