View app statistics

You can view statistics for individual apps using the Play Console web version or app.

Find and review your app's data

Select your KPIs

  1. Open the Play Console app Console app.
  2. Select an app.
  3. Upon first onboarding, select the KPIs you care about most. You'll be able to edit your selections at any point.

The list of KPIs includes the following:

Metric Definition
Audience growth rate The percentage change in your total audience size (users with your app installed) compared to the same day 28 days ago.
Total audience size The number of users who have your app installed on at least one device that has been turned on in the last 30 days.
Total installs The cumulative total number of times your app has been installed.
User acquisitions Unique user acquisitions; includes both installs and reactivation.
User losses Includes both uninstalls and deactivation.
Daily Active Users (DAU) The number of users who open your app at least once a day.
Monthly Active Users (MAU) The number of users who open your app at least once in 28 days.
Store listing visitors The number of users who visited your store listing who did not already have your app installed on any device.
Store listing acquisitions The number of users who visited your store listing and installed your app, who did not already have it installed on any device.
Store listing conversion rate The percentage of store listing visitors who installed your app.
Revenue The revenue your app generated on a given day based on estimated sales, including taxes and other fees.
Average revenue per Daily Active User (in USD) Gross daily revenue divided by Daily Active Users.
User-perceived crash rate The percentage of your Daily Active Users who may have noticed at least one crash.
User-perceived ANR rate The percentage of your Daily Active Users who may have noticed at least one "App Not Responding."
Daily average rating The average of all ratings your app received on a given day.

Analyze your data with dimensions

To help you organize, segment, and analyze your data, you can organize and view a metric using an available dimension.

When you select a dimension, you'll see the data plotted in the graph. Depending on the metric you're viewing, dimensions may include the following:

  • Android Version: Android OS version reported from the user's device
  • Country: Users' country
  • App Version: Version of your app
  • Install state: New vs returning users

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