Content ratings for movies and TV shows help you understand the maturity of the content.
Where to find content ratings
You can find content ratings on the movie's page under the title. If you don't see a rating, it means the content provider hasn't shared this information. TV ratings aren't displayed yet under a show's title. If TV ratings aren't showed under a show's title, you can still use parental controls to filter TV shows by maturity level.
What content ratings tell you about a movie or TV show
Content ratings are used to describe the minimum maturity level of content. Ratings are typically based on a number of factors, including sexual content, violence, drugs, and profane language.
Note: Ratings are based on local standards and vary by country.
Ratings standards by country or region
Movies and TV shows are rated by local motion picture ratings authorities or local governments. Google doesn't review or verify these ratings.
Ratings include L, 10, 12, 14, 16, and 18. Ratings assigned by an advisory board are run by the Brazilian Ministry of Justice.
For more information and descriptions of each rating, visit DJCTQ website.
MPAA ratings include G, PG, Pignored13, R, and NC-17.
For more information and descriptions of each rating, visit the MPAA website.
U.S. TV ratings include TV-G, TV-PG, TV-14, TV-MA, and more.
For more information and descriptions of each rating, visit the TV Parental Guidelines website.
BBFC ratings include U, PG, 12A, 15, 18, and R-18.
For more information and descriptions of each rating, visit the BBFC website.
CHVRS ratings include G, PG, 14A, 18A, R, and E.
For more information and descriptions of each rating, visit the MPA - Home Entertainment Classification website.
EIRIN ratings include G, Pignored12, R15+, and R-18+.
For more information and descriptions of each rating, visit the EIRIN website.
CNC ratings include All Audiences (U), -10, -12, -16, -18, and Unrated (E).
For more information and descriptions of each rating, visit the CNC website.
ACB ratings include G, PG, M, MA15+, and R18+.
For more information and descriptions of each rating, visit the ACB website.
ICAA ratings include APTA (all audiences), 7+, 12+, 13+, 16+, 18+, and X.
For more information and descriptions of each rating, visit the ICAA website.
KMRB ratings include All (all audiences), 12+, 15+, Teenager (18+), and Restricted (19+).
For more information and descriptions of each rating, visit the KMRB website.
FSK ratings include FSK 0, FSK 6, FSK 12, FSK 16, and FSK 18.
For more information and descriptions of each rating, visit the FSK website.
LSF ratings include SU, A, BO, R, 17, D, and 21.
For more information and descriptions of each rating, visit the LSF website.
FCBM ratings include U, P13, PG13, and 18.
For more information and descriptions of each rating, visit the FCBM website.
OFLC ratings include G, PG, R13, RP13, R15, M, R16, RP16, and R18.
For more information and descriptions of each rating, visit the OFLC website.
MKRF ratings include 0+, 6+, 12+, 16+, and 18+.
For more information and descriptions of each rating, visit the MKRF website.
MDA ratings include G, PG, PG13, NC16, and M18.
For more information and descriptions of each rating, visit the MDA website.
MiBAC ratings include T, V.M.12, and V.M.14.
For more information and descriptions of each rating, visit the MiBAC website.
FPB ratings include A, PG, 7-9 PG, 10, 10-12 PG, 13, 16, and 18.
For more information and descriptions of each rating, visit the FPB Website.